MiguelCastillo / Brackets-Themes

Brackets themes!
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light-table vscrollbar #97

Closed yazk closed 9 years ago

yazk commented 10 years ago

light-table.css' vertical scroll bar does not work with Brackets (sprint 41 experimental build 0.41.0-13418)

I commented line 15:

.cm-s-light-table .CodeMirror-vscrollbar{
  //overflow-y: hidden;

which makes the scrollbar function again but causes visual corruption

MiguelCastillo commented 10 years ago

@yazk I was really thinking that theme was a CodeMirror theme. Yeah I see it. I can remove that, thanks for logging this.

MiguelCastillo commented 9 years ago

Fixed and will be available in the registry in my next push. Thank you for logging this