MiguelCastillo / Brackets-Themes

Brackets themes!
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Set CodeMirror and Custom themes in Brackets.



Visual Studio Visual Studio

Monokai Dark Soda Monokai Dark Soda theme

Dracula Dracula

Solarized Obsidian

Delkos Delkos

Obsidian Obsidian

Zamiere Delkos

Doctype styling

Themes will add a doctype to the codemirror instance so that you can easily craft css rules to style different document types.

.CodeMirror[doctype=javascript] .cm-property {
    color: brown !important;

.CodeMirror[doctype=less] .cm-property,
.CodeMirror[doctype=css]  .cm-property {
    color: red !important;

Custom themes 101 guide

Custom themes are codemirror's themes, so you will need to be familiar with codemirror's theme guidelines. I provide a set of steps to get you started below, but for more details please navigate to http://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html and search for "theme".

Codemirror's themes are css files. Important requirement is that the file name has to match your css class definition. E.g. If your theme file is called "default", then your primary css class name needs to be "default". Codemirror's guidelines require that the actual css class name starts with ".cm-s-", so your fully qualified css class name will be ".cm-s-default".

To get you started, you could use the already existing custom theme "default.css". Let's do the following.


How to


Corey Gwin: Monokai Dark Soda
Kulcsár Kázmér: Zamiere
Diego Alvarez: Aquaman
Felipe K. de Mello: Dracula
Fernando Hurtado: Nando
Jordan Hess: Pixie
John Hamm: Hammsidian
Christopher Kelly (scriptmunkee) for additions to reset.css

Contact me

If you have any issues or want to just drop in a line, you can use my personal email at manchagnu@gmail.com


Licensed under MIT