MiguelSombrero / skill-em-all

Application for managing resources in projects
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Skill 'Em All

This is a course project for University of Helsinki course Database application.


Skill 'Em All is an application for finding right people for the projects based on peoples skills. Lets say you are a manager of the project which has a requirement for Java and React knowledge. With Skill 'Em All you can search people with those skills and find out the best people for the project.

Main features

Skill 'Em All live

Latest build of this app is running on Heroku:


Application requirements

You need to have python installed in order to run the app

Install and run application locally

Clone the project and navigate to the application folder

git clone https://github.com/MiguelSombrero/skill-em-all.git
cd skill-em-all

Install project dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run application

python run.py

Application is listening address


Deploy app to Heroku

You need to have Heroku account account and Heroku CLI in order to deploy app to heroku with these instructions.

When in application root folder, create heroku app:

heroku create <name-of-your-application>

Add heroku remote to your local git repository

git remote add heroku <address-in-heroku-of-your-application>

Add required environment variables to Heroku

heroku config:set HEROKU=1

Add Postgres database to your Heroku application

heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Commit and push your changes to heroku

git add .
git commit -m "deploy to Heroku"
git push heroku master