Mika-Project / base-iso

3 stars 1 forks source link

Required packages for building iso

sudo pacman -S archiso git

Installation and Build

git clone https://github.com/Mika-Project/base-iso
cd base-iso
sudo mkarchiso -v .

Two directories will be created (work and out). You can find the ISO file inside out directory.

git clone https://github.com/Mika-Project/base-iso
cd base-iso
sudo mkarchiso -v -w /tmp/archiso-tmp .

After building the iso make sure to remove the work/ directory or a different work directory that you've set yourself. If you don't do this you won't be able to build the ISO again.

You can find the ISO file inside out directory.


to auto remove the work directory, you can build the ISO with command: sudo mkarchiso -v -r . instead of sudo mkarchiso -v .

Quicky Test the ISO using QEMU


run_archiso -i /path/to/archlinux-yyyy.mm.dd-x86_64.iso


run_archiso -u -i /path/to/archlinux-yyyy.mm.dd-x86_64.iso