Mika215 / to-do-list-app-group-3

A simple To-Do list App project
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

Separation of Concerns Starter

Repo Setup

Local Setup

So you're ready to start coding? If you haven't cloned this repository already you should, and then ...

  1. Clone this repository:
    • $ git clone git@github.com:HackYourFutureBelgium/this-repository.git
  2. Navigate to this repository in your local computer
    • $ cd this-repository
  3. Install the project's development dependencies - you will need these for the code quality automation:
    • $ npm install

Running the Site

This is a static website that only uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so you can run it using any static server - liveServer, http-server, study-lenses, ...

Navigating to demo.html will run the example website for reverse-engineering.

Developing your Code

This project is a full website so you will need to run it by opening index.html in the browser.

It's recommended that you use VSCode to write your HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Each time you make a change in VSCode you will need to go to the browser and refresh to see if it worked. Everything you have learned about the debugger will come in handy! You can use breakpoints and debugger statements to step through while your website is running.

The only code in this project that you can develop and test separately from the rest is functions in the /src/logic folder, these are pure functions that will need to test. You can develop these either in VSCode or Study Lenses.

Code Quality Automation

Writing code is hard. To write even just 10 lines there are 100 things you need to think about, and 1000 mistakes you can make. Developers are clever and lazy people. They have built tools to help with all of this.

This repository comes with features to help you and your group write good code. Some features are for checking your code manually before pushing it, and others are for checking your code automatically when you open a PR to the main/master branch.

Continuous Integration (CI)

checks on GitHub

When you open a PR to main/master in your repository, GitHub will run the workflows in ./.github/workflows. You can try the same scripts locally to make sure they will pass before pushing:

You will not be able to merge your branch until all the checks pass. These checks will be run again each time you push changes to your branch, so no worries if you don't pass the checks on your first try.

Local Checks

checks on your own computer

You can run the same checks locally to make sure you have no errors before pushing, this will make everything easier for you and your reviewer. If the checks pass locally then they should pass when you push.