MikeAxtell / bam2wig

Conversion of a BAM alignment to wiggle and bigwig coverage files, with flexible reporting options
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SYNOPSIS bam2wig

Conversion of a BAM alignment to wiggle and bigwig coverage files, with
flexible reporting options.

LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Michael J. Axtell

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

CITATION https://github.com/MikeAxtell/bam2wig

AUTHOR Michael J. Axtell, mja18@psu.edu

INSTALL bam2wig is a perl 5 program and so it requires perl 5 to compile. It expects that perl is located at /usr/bin/perl on your system. If not, please modify line 1 (the hashbang) of the script accordingly. It was built and tested using perl 5.

Depending on your system, you may need super-user privileges to install
bam2wig and/or its dependencies.

samtools <http://www.htslib.org/> is a required dependency. Install
samtools to your PATH before running bam2wig.

wigToBigWig <http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/bigWig.html> is an
optional dependency. If wigToBigWig is in your PATH, bam2wig will make a
bigwig file in addition to a wiggle file.

Once the dependencies are installed to your PATH, install bam2wig to
your PATH for convenience

USAGE bam2wig [options] [alignments.bam]

OPTIONS -t [float] : Threshold for reporting. Defaults to 0 (all depths reported)

-s [top/bottom/both] : Strand to report. Defaults to both. 'bottom' will
quantify in negative numbers. Used in conjunction with option -g will
subset the loci to those on the indicated strand.

-r [string] : Limit analysis to specified read group

-l [integer] : Minimum size of read to report. Default: no minimum.

-L [integer] : Maximum size of read to report. Default: no maximum.

-c [chr:start-stop] : Limit analysis to the indicated locus.

-g [string] : Path to a GFF3 file. Loci in the GFF3 will be reported.
Negates any setting of -c.

-D [string] : Name of output directory. Defaults to

-F [integer] : Sum of bits to pass to samtools view -F option .. which
types of alignments to ignore. Default: 3844 ... which includes bits 4
(unmapped reads), 256 (secondary alignments), 512 (failed QC), 1024 (PCR
or optical duplicates), and 2048 (Supplementary alignments)

-m : Count each as (1/(n mapped reads)) * 1E6. In other words, normalize
to reads per million.

-d : Treat as degradome/PARE data .. tally only the depths of 5' ends.
Option -s must be either 'bottom' or 'top'

-i : Instead of reporting abundance, report instead the FRACTIONS of
reads that meet the size requirements set by -l and/or -L

-h : Get help (print this message)

-v : Print version number and quit

OUTPUT A wiggle file is written to the working directory. The wiggle file LACKS a track line at the top. If wigToBigWig is installed, a bigwig file will also be written to the working directory. The file name will include information on non-default settings. For instance, file name 'mydata-t10-l20-L24.wig' indicates an analysis using option t set to 10, option l set to 20, and option L to to 24, with all other options left at their defaults.

BAM FILE REQUIREMENTS The input BAM file must be sorted by chromosome, indexed (use samtools index), and possess a valid header with all @SQ lines present and the sequence names and lengths indicated by SN and LN, respectively (see SAM format specification). If option -r is used, the read groups must also be specified in the header using the @RG lines, per the SAM spec.

USING A GFF3 FILE Using option -g allows the output to be restricted to the loci specified in gff3 file. When used under default setting of option -s (the strand set to 'both'), all loci from the GFF3 will be reported, and the values will represent the read coverage on BOTH strands, regardless of whether the gff3 locus is annotated as strand '+', '-', or '.'. When used with option -s set to "bottom", only GFF3 loci whose strand is annotated as "-" in the file will be used, and only the reads on the - strand of the reference analyzed. Conversely, when used with option -s set to "top", only GFF3 loci whose strand is annotated as "+" in the file will be used, and only the reads on the + strand of the reference analyzed.

DEGRADOME / PARE MODE Option -d triggers activation of degradome / PARE mode. In this mode, the depth of coverage of 5' ends of reads is tallied, instead of total depth of coverage across the whole bodies of the reads. This mode must have option -s (strand) set to either "top" or "bottom".