MikelCalvo / node-mailwizz

[UNOFFICIAL] MailWizz API for NodeJS
ISC License
10 stars 14 forks source link

NPM version

Node.JS Integration for Mailwizz

Harness the power of MailWizz, the full-featured, self-hosted email marketing software that's been battle-tested since 2013.
With top-notch support, extensive documentation, and a developer-friendly environment, MailWizz integrates seamlessly with a plethora of third-party services like Sendgrid, Amazon SES, and Mailgun.

🔗 MailWizz Official Website


A huge shoutout to the brilliant minds behind the evolution of this library:

Your contributions have been instrumental in shaping node-mailwizz into the tool it is today!

Getting Started


Install node-mailwizz via npm to jumpstart your email marketing campaigns:

npm install node-mailwizz --save

🔥 Got an idea or facing an issue? Jump right in with a pull request or spark a discussion with an issue.

📂 For a sneak peek at the available APIs and their parameters, take a dive into the src directory, some of them are available but not documented yet.

Table of Contents

Config Object

Click to expand The config object is required to initialize the API classes. It contains the following properties: ```javascript const config = { publicKey: "yourPublicKey", secret: "yourSecretKey", baseUrl: "yourMailwizzApiUrl" }; ```

Campaigns API

Click to expand ### Create a Campaign ```javascript import { Campaigns, CreateCampaignType } from "node-mailwizz"; const campaigns = new Campaigns(config); campaigns .create({ name: "Campaign Name", type: CreateCampaignType.REGULAR, fromName: "Mikel Calvo", fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", subject: "Hi!", replyTo: "spam@mikecalvo.net", sendAt: "2021-01-01 00:00:00", listId: "YOUR-LIST-ID", segmentId: "YOUR-SEGMENT-ID", urlTracking: "yes", templateId: "YOUR-TEMPLATE-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("Campaign created:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript CreateCampaignResponse { status: string; campaign_uid: string; } ```

Templates API

Click to expand ### Get all Templates ```javascript import { Templates } from "node-mailwizz"; const templates = new Templates(config); templates .getAll({ page: 1, per_page: 10 }) .then(result => console.log("Templates:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetAllTemplatesResponse { status: string; data: { records: GetAllTemplatesResponseRecord[]; }; } GetAllTemplatesResponseRecord { template_uid: string; name: string; screenshot: string; } ```
### Get a Specific Template ```javascript import { Templates } from "node-mailwizz"; const templates = new Templates(config); templates .getTemplate({ templateID: "YOUR-TEMPLATE-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("Template details:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetTemplateResponse { status: string; data: { record: GetTemplateResponseRecord; }; } GetTemplateResponseRecord { template_uid: string; name: string; screenshot: string; } ```

Subscriber API

Click to expand ### Create a Subscriber ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); let userInfo: CreateSubscriberParamsData = { //Replace the values with your user info email: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", FNAME: "Mikel", LNAME: "Calvo", CUSTOM: "yourCustomField" }; subscribers .create({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", data: userInfo, }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber created:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript CreateSubscriberResponse { status: string; data: CreateSubscriberResponseData; } CreateSubscriberResponseData { record: CreateSubscriberResponseRecord; } CreateSubscriberResponseRecord { subscriber_uid: string; email: string; ip_address: string; source: string; date_added: CreateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded; } CreateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded { expression: string; params: any; } ```
### Update a Subscriber ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); // Similar to creating a subscriber, but with updated info let updatedUserInfo: UpdateSubscriberParamsData = { //Replace the values with your user info EMAIL: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", FNAME: "Mikel", LNAME: "Calvo", CUSTOM: "yourCustomField" }; subscribers .update({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID", data: updatedUserInfo, }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber updated:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript UpdateSubscriberResponse { status: string; data: UpdateSubscriberResponseData; } UpdateSubscriberResponseData { record: UpdateSubscriberResponseRecord; } UpdateSubscriberResponseRecord { subscriber_uid: string; email: string; ip_address: string; source: string; date_added: UpdateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded; } UpdateSubscriberResponseRecordDateAdded { expression: string; params: any; } ```
### Delete a Subscriber ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); subscribers .delete({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber deleted:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript DeleteSubscriberResponse { status: string; } ```
### Unsubscribe a Subscriber ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); subscribers .unsubscribe({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber unsubscribed:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript UnsubscribeSubscriberResponse { status: string; } ```
### Retrieve Subscribers ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); // Get a paginated list of subscribers subscribers .getSubscribers({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", page: 1, per_page: 10 }) .then(result => console.log("Subscribers:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetSubscribersResponse { status: string; data: { count: string; total_pages: number; current_page: number; next_page: number; prev_page: number; records: GetSubscribersResponseRecord[]; }; } GetSubscribersResponseRecord { subscriber_uid: string; EMAIL: string; FNAME: string; LNAME: string; status: string; source: string; ip_address: string; date_added: string; [key: string]: any; } ```
### Fetch a Subscriber by ID ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); subscribers .getSubscriber({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", subscriberUid: "SUBSCRIBER-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber details:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetSubscriberResponse { status: string; data: GetSubscriberResponseData; } GetSubscriberResponseData { subscriber_uid: string; EMAIL: string; FNAME: string; LNAME: string; status: string; source: string; ip_address: string; date_added: string; [key: string]: any; } ```
### Find a Subscriber by Email ```javascript import { ListSubscribers } from "node-mailwizz"; const subscribers = new ListSubscribers(config); subscribers .emailSearch({ listUid: "YOUR-LIST-ID", email: "spam@mikelcalvo.net" }) .then(result => console.log("Subscriber found:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript EmailSearchResponse { status: string; data: EmailSearchResponseData; } EmailSearchResponseData { subscriber_uid: string; status: string; date_added: string; } ```

List API

Click to expand ### Get Lists ```javascript import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); // Retrieve your lists with pagination lists .getLists({ page: 1, per_page: 10 }) .then(result => console.log("Lists:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetAllListsResponse { status: string; data: { count: string; total_pages: number; current_page: number; next_page: number; prev_page: number; records: GetAllListsResponseRecord[]; }; } GetAllListsResponseRecord { general: GetAllListsResponseRecordGeneral; defaults: GetAllListsResponseRecordDefaults; notifications: GetAllListsResponseRecordNotifications; company: GetAllListsResponseRecordCompany; } GetAllListsResponseRecordGeneral { list_uid: string; name: string; display_name: string; description: string; } GetAllListsResponseRecordDefaults { from_name: string; reply_to: string; subject: string; } GetAllListsResponseRecordNotifications { subscribe: string; unsubscribe: string; subscribe_to: string; unsubscribe_to: string; } GetAllListsResponseRecordCompany { name: string; address_1: string; address_2: string; zone_name: string; city: string; zip_code: string; phone: string; address_format: string; country: GetAllListsResponseRecordCompanyCountry; } GetAllListsResponseRecordCompanyCountry { country_id: string; name: string; code: string; } ```
### Get a Specific List ```javascript import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); lists .getList({ listID: "YOUR-LIST-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("List details:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetListResponse { status: string; data: { record: GetListResponseRecord; }; } GetListResponseRecord { general: GetListResponseRecordGeneral; defaults: GetListResponseRecordDefaults; notifications: GetListResponseRecordNotifications; company: GetListResponseRecordCompany; } GetListResponseRecordGeneral { list_uid: string; name: string; display_name: string; description: string; } GetListResponseRecordDefaults { from_name: string; reply_to: string; subject: string; } GetListResponseRecordNotifications { subscribe: string; unsubscribe: string; subscribe_to: string; unsubscribe_to: string; } GetListResponseRecordCompany { name: string; address_1: string; address_2: string; zone_name: string; city: string; zip_code: string; phone: string; address_format: string; country: GetListResponseRecordCompanyCountry; } GetListResponseRecordCompanyCountry { country_id: string; name: string; code: string; } ```
### Create a New List ```javascript import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); lists .create({ //Replace the values with your list info name: "Main List", //Required description: "This is a test list", //Required fromName: "Mikel Calvo", //Required fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required replyTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required subject: "Hi!", //notification when new subscriber added notificationSubscribe: "yes", //yes or no notificationUnsubscribe: "yes", //yes or no //where to send the notification notificationSubscribeTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", notificationUnsubscribeTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //This is optional, if not set customer company data will be used: companyName: "Mikel Calvo SL", //required companyCountry: "Spain", //required companyZone: "Basque Country", //required companyAddress1: "Some street address", //required companyAddress2: "", companyZoneName: "", //when country doesn't have required zone companyCity: "", companyZipCode: "" }) .then(result => console.log("List created:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript CreateListResponse { status: string; list_uid: string; } ```
### Copy a List ```javascript import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); lists .copy({ listID: "YOUR-LIST-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("List copied:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript CopyListResponse { status: string; list_uid: string; } ```
### Remove a List ```javascript import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); lists .delete({ listID: "YOUR-LIST-ID" }) .then(result => console.log("List removed:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript DeleteListResponse { status: string; } ```
### Update a List ```javascript // Similar to creating a list, but with updated info import { Lists } from "node-mailwizz"; const lists = new Lists(config); lists .update({ listID: "YOUR-LIST-ID", name: "Main List", //Required description: "This is a test list", //Required fromName: "Mikel Calvo", //Required fromEmail: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required replyTo: "spam@mikelcalvo.net", //Required subject: "Hi!", //notification when new subscriber added notificationSubscribe: "yes", //yes or no notificationUnsubscribe: "yes", //yes or no //where to send the notification notificationSubscribeTo: " notificationUnsubscribeTo: " //This is optional, if not set customer company data will be used: companyName: "Mikel Calvo SL", //required companyCountry: "Spain", //required companyZone: "Basque Country", //required companyAddress1: "Some street address", //required companyAddress2: "", companyZoneName: "", //when country doesn't have required zone companyCity: "", companyZipCode: "" }) .then(result => console.log("List updated:", result)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript UpdateListResponse { status: string; } ```

Countries API

Click to expand ### Get All Countries ```javascript import { Countries } from "node-mailwizz"; const countriesClass = new Countries(config); countriesClass .getAll({ page: 1, per_page: 10 }) .then(countries => console.log("Countries:", countries)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetAllCountriesResponse { status: string; data: { count: string; total_pages: number; current_page: number; next_page: number; prev_page: number; records: GetAllCountriesResponseRecord[]; }; } GetAllCountriesResponseRecord { country_id: string; name: string; code: string; } ```
### Get Zones of a Country ```javascript import { Countries } from "node-mailwizz"; const countriesClass = new Countries(config); countriesClass .getAllZones({ countryID: "ES", page: 1, per_page: 10 }) .then(zones => console.log("Zones:", zones)) .catch(err => console.error("Error:", err)); ```
Response (Click to expand) ```javascript GetAllZonesResponse { status: string; data: { count: string; total_pages: number; current_page: number; next_page: number; prev_page: number; records: GetAllZonesResponseRecord[]; }; } GetAllZonesResponseRecord { zone_id: string; name: string; code: string; } ```


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details