Mikihero / BetterCoinflips

SCP:SL plugin that adds a Risk-Reward mechanic to the in-game coin.
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exiled exiled-plugin game plugin scpsl scpsl-plugin



SCP:SL plugin that adds a Risk-Reward mechanic to the in-game coin. Whenever you flip a coin a 'random' effect will happen depending on the coinflips outcome.




Default config

  # Whether or not the plugin should be enabled. Default: true
  is_enabled: true
  # Whether or not debug logs should be shown. Default: false
  debug: false
  # The amount of base game spawned coins that should be removed. Default: 4
  default_coins_amount: 4
  # The ItemType of the item to be replaced with a coin and the amount to be replaced, the item is supposed to be something found in SCP pedestals.
    SCP500: 2
  # The boundaries of the random range of throws each coin will have before it breaks. The upper bound is exclusive.
  - 1
  - 4
  # Time in seconds between coin toses.
  coin_cooldown: 5
  # The duration of the broadcast informing you about your 'reward'. Default: 3
  broadcast_time: 3
  # The duration of the map blackout. Default: 10
  map_blackout_time: 10
  # The fuse time of the grenade falling on your head. Default: 3.25
  live_grenade_fuse_time: 3.25
  # List of bad effects that can be applied to the players. List available at: https://exiled-team.github.io/EXILED/api/Exiled.API.Enums.EffectType.html
  - Asphyxiated
  - Bleeding
  - Blinded
  - Burned
  - Concussed
  - Corroding
  - CardiacArrest
  - Deafened
  - Decontaminating
  - Disabled
  - Ensnared
  - Exhausted
  - Flashed
  - Hemorrhage
  - Hypothermia
  - InsufficientLighting
  - Poisoned
  - PocketCorroding
  - SeveredHands
  - SinkHole
  - Stained
  - Traumatized
  # List of good effects that can be applied to the players. List available at: https://exiled-team.github.io/EXILED/api/Exiled.API.Enums.EffectType.html
  - BodyshotReduction
  - DamageReduction
  - Invigorated
  - Invisible
  - MovementBoost
  - RainbowTaste
  - Scp1853
  - Scp207
  - Vitality
  # The % chance of receiving a Facility Manager keycard instead of a Containment Engineer one.
  red_card_chance: 15
  # The kick reason.
  kick_reason: 'The coin kicked your ass.'
  # The chance of these good effects happening. It's a proportional chance not a % chance.
  keycard_chance: 20
  medical_kit_chance: 35
  tp_to_escape_chance: 5
  heal_chance: 10
  more_hp_chance: 10
  hat_chance: 10
  random_good_effect_chance: 30
  one_ammo_logicer_chance: 1
  lightbulb_chance: 15
  pink_candy_chance: 10
  bad_revo_chance: 5
  empty_hid_chance: 5
  force_respawn_chance: 15
  size_change_chance: 20
  # The chance of these bad effects happening. It's a proportional chance not a % chance.
  hp_reduction_chance: 20
  tp_to_class_d_cells_chance: 5
  random_bad_effect_chance: 20
  warhead_chance: 10
  lights_out_chance: 20
  live_he_chance: 30
  troll_gun_chance: 50
  troll_flash_chance: 50
  scp_tp_chance: 20
  one_hp_left_chance: 15
  primed_vase_chance: 20
  shit_pants_chance: 40
  fake_cassie_chance: 50
  turn_into_scp_chance: 30
  inventory_reset_chance: 20
  class_swap_chance: 10
  instant_explosion_chance: 10
  player_swap_chance: 20
  kick_chance: 5
  spect_swap_chance: 10
  tesla_tp_chance: 15
  inventory_swap_chance: 20
  handcuff_chance: 10
  random_teleport_chance: 15