Milad-Akarie / injectable

Code Generator for get_it
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--- - [Installation](#installation) - [Setup](#setup) - [Registering factories](#registering-factories) - [Registering singletons](#registering-singletons) - [Disposing of singletons](#disposing-of-singletons) - [FactoryMethod and PostConstruct Annotations](#factorymethod-and-postconstruct-annotations) - [Registering asynchronous injectables](#registering-asynchronous-injectables) - [Pre-Resolving futures](#pre-resolving-futures) - [Passing Parameters to factories](#passing-parameters-to-factories) - [Binding abstract classes to implementations](#binding-abstract-classes-to-implementations) - [Register under different environments](#register-under-different-environments) - [Using named factories and static create functions](#Using-named-factories-and-static-create-functions) - [Registering third party types](#Registering-third-party-types) - [Auto registering](#auto-registering) - [Manual order](#manual-order) - [Using scopes](#using-scopes) - [Including microPackages and external modules](#including-micropackages-and-external-modules) ## Installation ```yaml dependencies: # add injectable to your dependencies injectable: # add get_it get_it: dev_dependencies: # add the generator to your dev_dependencies injectable_generator: # add build runner if not already added build_runner: ``` ## Setup --- 1. Create a new dart file and define a global var for your GetIt instance. 2. Define a top-level function (lets call it configureDependencies) then annotate it with @injectableInit. 3. Import the **Generated** dart file created later on in the code. This will follow the name of the file with the `@InjectableInit` annotated func, eg `file_name.config.dart`. 4. Call the **Generated** extension func getIt.init(), or your custom initializer name inside your configure func. Note: This example is for version 2+ ```dart import '.config.dart'; final getIt = GetIt.instance; @InjectableInit( initializerName: 'init', // default preferRelativeImports: true, // default asExtension: true, // default ) void configureDependencies() => getIt.init(); ``` Note: you can tell injectable what directories to generate for using the generateForDir property inside of @injectableInit. The following example will only process files inside of the test folder. ```dart import '.config.dart'; @InjectableInit(generateForDir: ['test']) void configureDependencies() => getIt.init(); ``` 4. Call configureDependencies() in your main func before running the App. ```dart void main() { configureDependencies(); runApp(MyApp()); } ``` ## Registering factories --- All you have to do now is annotate your injectable classes with @injectable and let the generator do the work. ```dart @injectable class ServiceA {} @injectable class ServiceB { ServiceB(ServiceA serviceA); } ``` ### Run the generator Use the [watch] flag to watch the files' system for edits and rebuild as necessary. ```terminal flutter packages pub run build_runner watch ``` if you want the generator to run one time and exits use ```terminal flutter packages pub run build_runner build ``` ### Inside of the generated file Injectable will generate the needed register functions for you. ```dart import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart' as _i1; extension GetItInjectableX on _i1.GetIt { /// initializes the registration of main-scope dependencies inside of [GetIt] Future<_i1.GetIt> init({ String? environment, _i2.EnvironmentFilter? environmentFilter, }) async { final gh = _i2.GetItHelper( this, environment, environmentFilter, ); gh.factory(() => ServiceA()); gh.factory(ServiceA(getIt())); return this; } } ``` ## Registering singletons --- Use `@singleton` or `@lazySingleton` to annotate your singleton classes. Alternatively use the constructor version to pass signalsReady to `getIt.registerSingleton(signalsReady)` `@Singleton(signalsReady: true)` >> `getIt.registerSingleton(Model(), signalsReady: true)` `@LazySingleton()` >> `getIt.registerLazySingleton(() => Model())` ```dart @singleton // or @lazySingleton class ApiProvider {} ``` ## Disposing of singletons GetIt provides a way to dispose singleton and lazySingleton instances by passing a dispose callback to the register function. Injectable works in the static realm, which means it's not possible to pass instance functions to your annotation; luckily injectable provides two simple ways to handle instance disposal. 1- Annotating an instance method inside of your singleton class with `@disposeMethod`. ```dart @singleton // or lazySingleton class DataSource { @disposeMethod void dispose(){ // logic to dispose instance } } ``` 2- Passing a reference to a dispose function to `Singleton()` or `LazySingleton()` annotations. ```dart @Singleton(dispose: disposeDataSource) class DataSource { void dispose() { // logic to dispose instance } } /// dispose function signature must match Function(T instance) FutureOr disposeDataSource(DataSource instance){ instance.dispose(); } ``` ## FactoryMethod and PostConstruct Annotations As the name suggests `@FactoryMethod` annotation is used to tell injectable which method to use to create the dependency, and that includes named constructors, factory constructs and static create methods. ```dart @injectable class MyRepository { @factoryMethod MyRepository.from(Service s); } ``` The constructor named "from" will be used when building MyRepository. ```dart factory(MyRepository.from(getIt())) ``` or annotate static create functions or factories inside of abstract classes with `@factoryMethod`. ```dart @injectable abstract class Service { @factoryMethod static ServiceImpl2 create(ApiClient client) => ServiceImpl2(client); @factoryMethod factory Service.from() => ServiceImpl(); } ``` on the other hand `@PostConstruct` annotation is used to initialize the constructed dependency synchronously or asynchronously and that only includes public member methods. ```dart @Injectable() class SomeController { SomeController(Service service); @PostConstruct() void init() { //...init code } } ``` now both of these annotations take an optional bool flag `preResolve`. If the create or initialize methods return a future and preResolve is true, the future will be pre-resolved ( awaited ) before the dependency is registered inside of GetIt, otherwise it's registered as an async dependency. ## Registering asynchronous injectables Requires **GetIt >= 4.0.0** if we are to make our instance creation async we're gonna need a static initializer method since constructors can not be asynchronous. ```dart class ApiClient { static Future create(Deps ...) async { .... return apiClient; } } ``` Now simply annotate your class with `@injectable` and tell injectable to use that static initializer method as a factory method using the `@factoryMethod` annotation ```dart @injectable // or lazy/singleton class ApiClient { @factoryMethod static Future create(Deps ...) async { .... return apiClient; } } ``` injectable will automatically register it as an asynchronous factory because the return type is a Future. #### Generated Code: ```dart factoryAsync(() => ApiClient.create()); ``` ### Using a register module (for third party dependencies) just wrap your instance with a future, and you're good to go. ```dart @module abstract class RegisterModule { Future get prefs => SharedPreferences.getInstance(); } ``` Don't forget to call `getAsync()` instead of `get()` when resolving an async injectable. ## Pre-Resolving futures if you want to pre-await the future and register its resolved value, annotate your async dependencies with `@preResolve`. ```dart @module abstract class RegisterModule { @preResolve Future get prefs => SharedPreferences.getInstance(); } ``` It also works with `@factoryMethod` and `@postConstruct` annotations. ```dart @Injectable() class AsyncService { AsyncService(Service service); // @preResolve -> this works as well @FactoryMethod(preResolve: true) static Future create(@factoryParam String? param) => Future.value(AsyncService(Service.from(param)); } ``` ```dart @Injectable() class SomeController { SomeController(Service service); // @preResolve -> this works as well @PostConstruct(preResolve: true) Future init(@factoryParam String? param) => Future.value(SomeController(Service.from(param)); } ``` #### Generated Code: ```dart import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart' as _i1; extension GetItInjectableX on _i1.GetIt { /// initializes the registration of main-scope dependencies inside of [GetIt] Future<_i1.GetIt> init({ String? environment, _i2.EnvironmentFilter? environmentFilter, }) async { final gh = _i2.GetItHelper( this, environment, environmentFilter, ); final registerModule = _$RegisterModule(); final sharedPreferences = await registerModule.prefs; gh.factory(() => sharedPreferences); return this; } } ``` as you can see this will make your `init` func async so be sure to **await** for it. ## Passing Parameters to factories --- Requires **GetIt >= 4.0.0** If you're working with a class you own simply annotate your changing constructor param with `@factoryParam`, you can have up to two parameters **max**! ```dart @injectable class BackendService { BackendService(@factoryParam String url); } ``` #### Generated Code: ```dart factoryParam( (url, _) => BackendService(url), ); ``` ### Using a register module (for third party dependencies) if you declare a module member as a method instead of a simple accessor, injectable will treat it as a factory method, meaning it will inject its parameters as it would with a regular constructor. This is similar to how if you annotate an injected param with `@factoryParam` injectable will treat it as a factory param. ```dart @module abstract class RegisterModule { BackendService getService(ApiClient client, @factoryParam String url) => BackendService(client, url); } ``` #### Generated Code: ```dart factoryParam( (url, _) => registerModule.getService(g(), url)); ``` ## Binding abstract classes to implementations --- Use the 'as' Property inside of `Injectable(as:..)` to pass an abstract type that's implemented by the registered dependency ```dart @Injectable(as: Service) class ServiceImpl implements Service {} // or @Singleton(as: Service) class ServiceImpl implements Service {} // or @LazySingleton(as: Service) class ServiceImpl implements Service {} ``` ###### Generated Code: ```dart factory(() => ServiceImpl()) ``` ### Binding an abstract class to multiple implementations Since we can't use type binding to register more than one implementation, we have to use names (tags) to register our instances or register under different environment. (we will get to that later) ```dart @Named("impl1") @Injectable(as: Service) class ServiceImpl implements Service {} @Named("impl2") @Injectable(as: Service) class ServiceImp2 implements Service {} ``` Next annotate the injected instance with `@Named()` right in the constructor and pass in the name of the desired implementation. ```dart @injectable class MyRepo { final Service service; MyRepo(@Named('impl1') this.service) } ``` ###### Generated Code: ```dart factory(() => ServiceImpl1(), instanceName: 'impl1') factory(() => ServiceImpl2(), instanceName: 'impl2') factory(() => MyRepo(getIt('impl1')) ``` ### Auto Tagging Use the lower cased `@named` annotation to automatically assign the implementation class name to the instance name. Then use `@Named.from(Type)` annotation to extract the name from the type. ```dart @named @Injectable(as: Service) class ServiceImpl1 implements Service {} @injectable class MyRepo { final Service service; MyRepo(@Named.from(ServiceImpl1) this.service) } ``` ###### Generated Code: ```dart factory(() => ServiceImpl1(), instanceName: 'ServiceImpl1') factory(() => MyRepo(getIt('ServiceImpl1')) ``` ## Register under different environments --- it is possible to register different dependencies for different environments by using `@Environment('name')` annotation. in the below example ServiceA is now only registered if we pass the environment name to `$init(environment: 'dev')`. ```dart @Environment("dev") @injectable class ServiceA {} ``` you could also create your own environment annotations by assigning the const constructor `Environment("")` to a global const var. ```dart const dev = Environment('dev'); // then just use it to annotate your classes @dev @injectable class ServiceA {} ``` You can assign multiple environment names to the same class. ```dart @test @dev @injectable class ServiceA {} ``` Alternatively use the env property in injectable and subs to assign environment names to your dependencies. ```dart @Injectable(as: Service, env: [, Environment.test]) class RealServiceImpl implements Service {} ``` Now passing your environment to `init` function will create a simple environment filter that will only validate dependencies that have no environments or one of their environments matches the given environment. Alternatively, you can pass your own `EnvironmentFilter` to decide what dependencies to register based on their environment keys, or use one of the shipped ones: - NoEnvOrContainsAll - NoEnvOrContainsAny - SimpleEnvironmentFilter ## Registering third party types --- To Register third party types, create an abstract class and annotate it with `@module` then add your third party types as property accessors or methods as follows: ```dart @module abstract class RegisterModule { @singleton ThirdPartyType get thirdPartyType; @prod @Injectable(as: ThirdPartyAbstract) ThirdPartyImpl get thirdPartyType; } ``` ### Providing custom initializers In some cases you'd need to register instances that are asynchronous or singleton instances or just have a custom initializer and that's a bit hard for injectable to figure out on its own, so you need to tell injectable how to initialize them: ```dart @module abstract class RegisterModule { // You can register named preemptive types like follows @Named("BaseUrl") String get baseUrl => 'My base url'; // url here will be injected @lazySingleton Dio dio(@Named('BaseUrl') String url) => Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: url)); // same thing works for instances that's gotten asynchronous. // all you need to do is wrap your instance with a future and tell injectable how // to initialize it @preResolve // if you need to pre resolve the value Future get prefs => SharedPreferences.getInstance(); // Also, make sure you await for your configure function before running the App. } ``` if you're facing even a weirder scenario you can always register them manually in the configure function. ## Auto registering --- Instead of annotating every single injectable class you write, it is possible to use a [Convention Based Configuration]( to auto register your injectable classes, especially if you follow a concise naming convention. For example, you can tell the generator to auto-register any class that ends with Service, Repository or Bloc using a simple regex pattern class_name_pattern: 'Service$|Repository$|Bloc\$' To use auto-register create a file with the name **build.yaml** in the same directory as **pubspec.yaml** and add ```yaml targets: $default: builders: injectable_generator:injectable_builder: options: auto_register: true # auto registers any class with a name matches the given pattern class_name_pattern: "Service$|Repository$|Bloc$" # auto registers any class inside a file with a # name matches the given pattern file_name_pattern: "_service$|_repository$|_bloc$" ``` ## Manual order By default injectable tries to re-order dependencies based on their dependents, meaning if `A` depends on `B`, `B` will be registered first. You can manually decide the order of a specific dependency by giving it a negative number to register it before everything else or a positive number to register it after everything else. **Note** All dependencies have order of 0 by default. You specify the custom order by using annotation `@Order(number)` or using the property order inside of `injectable` and subs ```dart // @Order(-1) this works too @Injectable(order: -1) class Service{} ``` ## Using Scopes GetIt v5.0 introduced scopes support, which allows registration of related dependencies in a different scope, so they can be initialized only when needed and disposed of when they're not. [More on that here.]( To use `GetIt` scopes using injectable you simply annotate the dependencies that are meant to be registered in a different scope with `@Scope('scope-name')` or pass in the scope name to Injectable or its subs like so `@Injectable(scope: 'scope-name')`. dependencies tagged with a scope name will be generated inside of a separate init method than the other main-scope dependencies. e.g. ```dart // @Scope('auth') this works too @Injectable(scope: 'auth') class AuthController{} ``` when you're ready to use the auth-scope, call the generated scope-init method or extension. ```dart // using extensions getIt.initAuthScope(); // using methods initAuthScope(getIt); // scope-init method will return future if it has pre-resolved dependencies // so make sure you await it await getIt.initAuthScope(); ``` ## Including microPackages and external modules MicroPackages are sub packages that can be depended on and used by the root package, packages that's annotated as micro will generate a `MicroPackageModule` instead of an init-method and the initiation of those modules is done automatically by the root package's init-method. so all you have to do is annotate the package as a microPackage by using the named constructor `@InjectableInit.microPackage()` ```dart // @microPackageInit => short const @InjectableInit.microPackage() initMicroPackage(){} // will not be called but needed for code generation ``` #### Generated Code: ```dart class AwesomePackageModule extends MicroPackageModule { @override FutureOr init(_i1.GetItHelper gh) { gh.factory(() => Dep()); gh.factory(() => Calculator(gh())); }} ``` By default injectable will automatically include all `MicroPackagesModules` in the project directory unless the `includeMicroPackages` flag inside of `@InjectableInit` is set to false. ```dart @InjectableInit(includeMicroPackages: false) ``` it's also possible to include micro local or external modules manually by passing them to the `externalPackageModules` property inside of @injectableInit so they're initialized with the rest of the local dependencies. **Note:** Modules assigned to externalPackageModulesBefore will be initialized before the root dependencies; Modules assigned to externalPackageModulesAfter will be initialized after the root dependencies; ```dart @InjectableInit( externalPackageModulesBefore: [ ExternalModule(AwesomePackageModule), ExternalModule(ThirdPartyMicroModule), ], externalPackageModulesAfter: [ ExternalModule(CoolPackageModule), ],) void configureDependencies() {} ``` #### Initializing modules inside of scopes External Modules can be initialized inside of specific scopes by simply assigning a scope to `ExternalModule`. ```dart @InjectableInit( externalPackageModulesBefore: [ ExternalModule(AwesomePackageModule, scope: 'awesome'), ], ) void configureDependencies() {} ``` then a scope initialization method/extension will be generated. ```dart await getIt.initAwesomeScope() ``` ## Problems with the generation? Make sure you always **Save** your files before running the generator, if that does not work you can always try to clean and rebuild. ```terminal flutter packages pub run build_runner clean ``` ## Support the Library - You can support the library by staring it on Github && liking it on pub or report any bugs you encounter. - also, if you have a suggestion or think something can be implemented in a better way, open an issue and let's talk about it.