MilesMcBain / datapasta

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Inverse problem: from data.frame to fwf/md output #136

Closed dmi3kno closed 1 year ago

dmi3kno commented 1 year ago

Perhaps this function does not belong to the package, but have you ever considered the inverse problem: Going from a data.frame to

This would be helpful in writing non-reproducible documents, which I do have to do every now and then. I will understand if the answer is an emphatic "NO!"

MilesMcBain commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the thoughts!

a fixed-width file output (of other format) in clipboard, which would be pasteable into Excel or Word.

For this I use df |> clipr::write_clip().

a simple “pipe-decorated” markdown table to be pasted to md/Rmd/Qmd

I do this from time to time, since I use MailMate which supports markdown email authoring. So when I have to paste a table from my R session It’s like dt |> knitr::kable() followed by a manual copy paste from the R terminal. But it turns out {clipr} seems to be the goods here as well:

mtcars |> knitr::kable() |> clipr::write_clip()

These little cantrips are so simple, it doesn’t make much sense to me to implement them in this package. So checkout {clipr}!