MilesMcBain / datapasta

On top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese....
900 stars 64 forks source link
addin clipboard copypaste excel r tibble

datapasta 3.1.1 'Leave to Simmer'

r-universe status badge CRAN status. Downloads

The Goods


Introducing datapasta

datapasta is about reducing resistance associated with copying and pasting data to and from R. It is a response to the realisation that I often found myself using intermediate programs like Sublime to munge text into suitable formats. Addins and functions in datapasta support a wide variety of input and output situations, so it (probably) "just works". Hopefully tools in this package will remove such intermediate steps and associated frustrations from our data slinging workflows.



R Universe (preferred)

  1. install with R universe repo:
   repos = c(mm = "", getOption("repos")))
  1. Set the keyboard shortcuts using Tools -> Addins -> Browse Addins, then click Keyboard Shortcuts...

CRAN (outdated)

For now, no further versions of datapasta will be going to CRAN. There are some known bugs in the CRAN version that have been fixed in 3.1.1.

  1. install.packages("datapasta")


Use with RStudio

Getting data into source

At the moment this package contains these RStudio addins that paste data to the cursor:

Massaging data in source

There are two Addins that can help with creating and aligning data in your editor:

Getting Data out of an R session

There are two R functions available that accept R objects and output formatted text for pasting to a reprex or other application:

Use with other editors

The only hard dependency of datapasta is readr for type guessing. All the above *paste functions can be called directly instead of as an addin, and will fall back to console output if the rstudioapi is not available.

On system without access to the clipboard (or without clipr installed) datapasta can still be used to output R objects from an R session. dpasta is probably the only function you care about in this scenario.

Custom Installation

datapasta imports clipr and rstudioapi so as to make installation smooth and easy for most users. If you wish to avoid installing an rstudioapi you will never use you can use:


Prior art

This package is made possible by mdlincon's clipr, and Hadley's packages tibble and readr (for data-type guessing). I especially appreciate clipr's thoughtful approach to the clipboard on Linux, which pretty much every other R clipboard package just nope'd out on.

Future developments

I am interested in expanding the types of objects supported by the output functions dpasta. I would also like to eventually have Fiddle Selection to pivot function calls and named vectors. Feel free to contribute your ideas to the open issues.


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Datapasta in 64 seconds