Mimieam / Sublime-Maze

A maze game to take a break from coding and lost your mind in a perfect* maze crafted for sublime text 3 :)
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

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What is it?

A maze game to take a break from coding and lost your mind in a perfect* maze crafted for sublime text 3 :)


One of my coworker told me to stop playing with my weird editor and i thought to myself 'why not actually play a game from within ST?' And I started typing like an over excited monkey ^^


Open a shell from your Packages directory and run the following cmd:

git clone https://github.com/Mimieam/Sublime-Maze.git


To start the maze :

Step 1: Open a new Window not just a Tab (Important! - your key binding will not work correctly in the window in which the game is lunched)

Step 2: Go to Tool>Command Palette and select Maze Game: Start or use the shortcut [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[M]


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Future Improvement


jf8073 for confirming that making a game in ST was possible Nate for the simple maze generator

Thank you

This is my first sublime plugin so I hope that you will find it entertaining during your break and then get back to some happy coding :) Don't hesitate to contact me with feedbacks or ideas, Thanks