MinBZK / task-registry

Registry for Tasks, instruments and measures such as the IAMA
European Union Public License 1.2
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1. Task Registry

This registry is an overarching architecture to group all Tasks that can be performed in the context of algorithm and AI-system management, compliance and governance. The purpose of the register is to bridge policy and running code. A task could be part of an instrument and correspond to a maatregel/measure and/or vereisten/requirement (see 2. Definitions).

The registry is deployed here: https://task-registry.apps.digilab.network/.

A graphical overview of the task registry and its components is shown below:


2. Definitions

The definitions of maatregel/measure, vereisten/requirement and instrument are as defined by the Algoritmekader. Since definitions are often closely tied to language, we provide them in both English and Dutch.

