MinLL / GameInterfaceForToys

Scripts to control toys for Skyrim and other games.
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This project provides an interface to allow games to integrate with bluetooth enabled Sex Toys, allowing real-time tactile feedback from events that occur in-game.

This project also integrates with Chaster, allowing games to manipulate a user's chastity sentence in various ways. Best not die in the game!

Supported Toys

Supported Games

How does it work?

Upon launching the GIFT executable, the script actively watches for changes to the specified log (Papyrus.0.log for Skyrim and Fallout). Upon seeing a change to the log, it reads the latest content, and checks for any lines that match any events. If, for instance, the player starts having sex, the script will trigger any configured toys to activate (Vibrators vibrating, etc).

Setup and Installation

Configure the options to your liking, and then click "Save". The application will then reload with the new settings.

General Configuration

Toy Configuration


If using the Lovense interface, you have several options to control your toys. 1) You can run the Lovense Connect app on your local PC, and use it to connect to the toys. If you do so, you will need the Bluetooth dongle that Lovense makes. If you're running the Lovense app locally, you should enter for the Lovense Host. 2) You can run the Lovense app on your phone, and connect to it. If you're doing this, log into the app, and connect your toys. Select your profile, and enable "Game Mode". The IP address and port of your phone will be listed; Enter this into the "Lovense Host" field in the configuration menu. Example:

You can restrict the maximum strength of Lovense vibrations with the "Lovense Strength Max" field. 100 = full strength, 50 = half strength, etc.

This interface offers the best support for Lovense devices in particular.


If using buttplug.io, set the "Buttplug.io Server Address" to the IP of the device running initface connect. If this is running on your local PC, leave this at the default. Like Lovense, you can also restrict the maximum strength of Buttplug.io vibrations here. 100 = full strength, 50 = half strength, etc.


If using the XToys interface, you must load this script, and connect your toys: https://xtoys.app/scripts/-N_a05xsR9ehhX1aD1VQ The script will provide a webhook ID - Enter this into the "XToys Webhook ID" field in settings. GIFT will now utilize XToys.

This interface offers the best compatibility with toys, but has a bit higher latency than the other interfaces.


Currently, Chaster integration requires that you obtain developer access on chaster. Access is easy to obtain though, just follow the instructions on the developer page. Once you've obtained this, you will need to generate a token, and enter it into the "Chaster Dev Token" field. This will authorize GIFT to manipulate locks that you have access to. There are several other options:

You should setup a lock similar to this for full functionality (Or join my lock, I don't mind!).

Game Specific Steps

Skyrim and Fallout

For all versions of Skyrim and Fallout, you will need to enable papyrus logging in order for Skyrim to generate a log that GIFT can integrate with. You can find instructions on how to do this here.

GIFT contains a plugin and several scripts to enhance it's ability to integrate with Skyrim. Under the "games" folder of the download, install the files contained under "skyrim" or "fallout" using your mod manager of choice.

Night of Revenge

There are two ways of interfacing with this game. 1) Install the included plugin, and make sure that the interface is set to use the log reader in the settings. This is the preferred method, and provides the best support. 2) Alternatively, change the interface to "Screen reader". This will only work if you are playing in 4k resolution, and has higher latency and less precision than the other approach.

If using the plugin, you should set the log path to \NightofRevenge_Data\output_log.txt.

If using the plugin, I recommend the following settings for event configuration:

The following are relevant if you're using @btg's Ero mod (Which I recommend for the best experience):

Running the project via Python

I've tried to make this as painless as possible.

Advanced Configuration

GIFT exposes a number of files in the "data" folder, which can be manipulated in order to change how the application functions.


As of version 1.2.0, GIFT allows users to configure the application to watch for whatever log lines they want. Under the data/events/games folder, there are yaml files containing the triggers that GIFT will respond to. For example, in data/events/games/skyrim/sexlab.yaml, this is one entry:

- Sex Start:
    regex: .+SEXLAB - ActorAlias\[{GIFT_ACTOR_NAME}\] SetActor.+
    function: sex_start
    case_sensitive: False

The syntax is:

- Name of Event:
    regex: The pattern to match.
    function: The function to call in GIFT's ["SkyrimScriptInterface" class](https://github.com/MinLL/GameInterfaceForToys/blob/master/GameInterfaceForToys.py#L158).
    case_sensitive: True or False, if the regex should be case sensitive.

Whenever "The pattern to match." appears in the log, the specified function will be executed. Generic shock and vibrate functions are exposed for making custom events:

Generic Shock Example

- Plug Shocks:
    regex: .+Your plug gives a painfull shock.+
    function: generic_random_shock
        min_duration: 1
        max_duration: 5
        min_strength: 50
        max_strength: 65

Generic Vibrate Example

- Pump Plug Inflate:
    regex: .+You hear your .+ plug pump whirr and inflating.*
    function: generic_random_vibrate
        duration: 10
        strength: 40

In the above examples, we can specify a range of minimum and maximum duration and strength, or just specify the duration and strength directly. The file data/events.yaml controls which yaml files are applied by GIFT. If you create a new yaml file of triggers, make sure to edit this file to enable it.

Changing Patterns

TBD: Better documentation here. Vibrator patterns are currently stored under data/vibrators/pattern_dict.json. E-stim patterns are listed under the data/estim/pattern_dict.json file, and the data/estim/patterns/ folder.