Mind-Interfaces / THE-12-DAEMONS-OF-XMAS

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LVL-1.py #11

Open Mind-Interfaces opened 7 months ago

Mind-Interfaces commented 7 months ago

This is the "Exploding Christmas Tree" mini-game.

GOAL: Player must explode all the trees without getting caught by Santa.

Initial asset placement. ( This means creating the game asset file at the requested location. )

Utilize the corresponding art sprite sheets, or render new assets if overly inspired.

We can get creative using MusicGen to make SFX or I have audio stock.

# Load images and sound
player_image = load_image('../IMG/BOSS/anammelech_sprite.png')
tree_image = load_image('../IMG/TREE/christmas_tree.png')
background_image = load_image('../IMG/BACKGROUND/winter_forest.png')
santa_image = load_image('../IMG/NPC/santa_sprite.png')
explosion_sound = load_sound('../BGM/SFX/explosion_sound.wav')  # For tree ignition / TODO STUD
Mind-Interfaces commented 7 months ago
Mind-Interfaces commented 7 months ago

Needs more xmas magic. t12dox-lvl-01-second

Mind-Interfaces commented 7 months ago

Added more magic.. still needs fix.

1). The anamelech_sprite.png should be a lily_sprite.png.

could also implement sprite positioning

(so the character faces left when moving left, and vice versa)

2). Santa seems to be wandering around happily,

will need a bounding box, and similar santa_sprite.png work.

[ using sprite sheet alpha-boss-01-11.png ]

3). Needs more BOOM,

sounds good..

but need to see more explosion visuals.

Mind-Interfaces commented 7 months ago

Lily is fixed.. santa wandered off and trees grow offscreen.. need bounding boxes.. but working.
