Mind-Interfaces / THE-12-DAEMONS-OF-XMAS

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Project Overview

"THE-12-DAEMONS-OF-XMAS" is an adventure/puzzle game with a dark humor twist, set in a whimsically dark version of the North Pole.

It revolves around battling or outwitting 12 Daemons, each representing a twisted version of the 12 Days of Christmas.

The game is being developed for a demo release on itch.io

Directory Structure and Progress

BGM (Background Music)

Progress: Music composition complete for demo levels. AI integration in progress.

DEV (Development)

Progress: Design and distribution strategy finalized. Level design documentation in progress.

IMG (Images)

Progress: Art assets for initial levels complete. Ongoing work on advanced level designs.

SRC (Source Code)

Progress: Core gameplay mechanics established. Level scripts under refinement.

SVD (Stable Video Diffusion)

Progress: AI integration underway. Tuning and testing in progress.

WWW (Web Development)

Progress: Basic web interface complete. Enhancements for user experience ongoing.

Licensing and General Info

Progress: Licensing and general documentation complete. Main script under final review.

Current Focus

Upcoming Milestones