Highly versatile Widget to search through a single or multiple choices from bottom sheet list in a dialog box or a menu.
Import it to your project file
import 'package:drop_down_list/drop_down_list.dart';
And add it in its most basic form like it:
bottomSheetTitle: const Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 20.0,
submitButtonChild: const Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
data: widget.cities ?? [],
onSelected: (List<dynamic> selectedList) {
List<String> list = [];
for(var item in selectedList) {
if(item is SelectedListItem) {
enableMultipleSelection: true,
This property takes List
This property takes a builder function with SelectedListItem
as argument. It is used to customize the rendering of the list items.
This property takes Color value as a parameter. You can change the background color of animated segment. default value is Color(0xff8AADFB)
This gives the bottom sheet title.
You can set your custom submit button when the multiple selection is enabled.
This will give the call back to the selected items from list.
You can set your custom clear button when the multiple selection is enabled.
This will set the background color to the dropdown.
Number of items that can be selected when multiple selection is enabled
This property takes TextFormField value as a parameter. [searchWidget] is use to show the text box for the searching. If you are passing your own widget then you must have to add [TextEditingController] for the [TextFormField].
This property takes bool value as a parameter. [isSearchVisible] is use to manage the search widget visibility. by default it is [True] so widget will be visible.
This property takes String value as a parameter. [searchHintText] is use to show the hint text into the search widget. by default it is 'Search' text.
This property takes bool value as a parameter. [isDismissible] Specifies whether the bottom sheet will be dismissed when user taps on the scrim. If true, the bottom sheet will be dismissed when user taps on the scrim. by default it is True.
[bottomSheetListener] that listens for BottomSheet bubbling up the tree.
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drop_down_list is MIT-licensed.
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