Minecraft-Pathfinding / minecraft-pathfinding

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minecraft-pathfinding :tm:

A pathfinder to get a Minecraft bot from point A to point B with unnecessarily stylish movement


[!WARNING] This pathfinder is still in HEAVY development. It is not meant to be used in production. However, you can use the code in examples to understand how the pathfinder works.

Why use this pathfinder?

Presently, its execution is better than both Baritone's and mineflayer-pathfinder's. It also follows an entirely different paradigm - each move's execution is split into individual parts, which combined with a modular movement provider/executor/optimizer system, it makes this pathfinder extremely customizable. So as long as a single movement's execution handles all entry cases (which is possible), it can be immediately integrated into this bot.

Examples will be added as the project undergoes more development.

What is left to be done?

Many things.

API and Examples

Link Description
API The documentation with the available methods and properties.
Advanced Usage The documentation with the advanced usage of the pathfinder, including the customization of goals and movements.
Examples The folder with the examples.