MinecraftTAS / TASmod

Minecraft Tool-Assisted Speedrun (TAS) Tools with input playback
GNU General Public License v3.0
30 stars 5 forks source link
minecraft minecraft-fabric-mod minecraft-tas mod tas tool-assisted-speedrun

[!WARNING] This mod is in early-development and is not ready for use yet. If you wish to download the early testing releases, be prepared to encounter various bugs and desyncs!
For a more stable mod, without input recording and playback, check LoTAS


A Tool-Assisted Speedrun-Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2.
Is able to capture inputs and play them back, by pretending to be a keyboard.

To reduce complexity, all aspects of RNG-Manipulation have been externalized to a repository called KillTheRNG. It is now available as an optional dependency and a standalone mod

[!IMPORTANT] We are currently shifting over to Legacy-Fabric 1.12.2. The development branch currently works with Legacy-Fabric while the release branch is on Forge 1.12.2

This means all Alpha releases only work for Forge.

Future Beta releases will be on Legacy-Fabric.


Author of the original mod: tr7zw
Main Mod Author: Scribble

Contributions by: famous1622, Pancake

Tickratechanger: Guichaguri
Tickrate 0 idea: Cubitect
Savestate idea: bspkrs, MightyPork, although implementation is totally different now

Special thanks: Darkmoon, The Minecraft TAS Community



This mod can record and play back


/record - Start a recording. This will record inputs to RAM. Closing the game will empty these inputs.
/play - Start to play back the stored inputs.
/save <filename> - Save stored inputs to a file.
/load <filename> - Load inputs from file.
/clearinputs - Delete all stored inputs, use this before starting a brand new recording.
/record - will resume the recording and not clear the inputs first.
/playuntil <tickCount> - Stops the next playback at the specified tick number, then switches to a recording. Run this command then start a playback via /play.

/fullrecord, /fullplay - Same as record/play however it will quit to the main menu first.
/restartandplay <filename> - Quits Minecraft completely. When restarting, the specified file will be loaded and played back, when the menu appears.


F10 - Stops either a playback or a recording.



/savestate - Prints a full guide to the savestate command in chat.


J - Make a new savestate.
K - Load the most recent savestate.

Tickratechanger (Slowdown)


/tickrate <ticks/second> - Changes the game speed. Default is 20, anthing below will slow the game down, anything above will speed it up.


F8 - Enter "Tickrate 0". The game is paused but you can still look around.
F9 - While in tickrate 0, advance the tick by 1. By holding keyboardkeys, you can make inputs while tickadvancing.

Multiplayer support

Important: This is NOT a clientside mod, a server side installation is required a.k.a This doesn't work on Hypixel, 2b2t etc. These servers will NEVER be supported.

Record TASes with friends! Needs operator permissions to run tasmod related commands.
/savestate can be used to manage savestates.

Note: /fullrecord, /fullplay and /restartandplay are not guaranteed to work in multiplayer at this time.


When ingame, hitting F6 will show you options for customising your HUD, with monitoring options and more. Even more options are available when KillTheRNG is installed.



  1. Clone this repository and put it in your workspace directory (where you open eclipse or idea)
  2. Import gradle project
    • Use gradle version 4.10.3
    • Use JDK 8
  3. Run gradle tasks setupDecompWorkspace then eclipse.
  4. Optional but recommended: Run gradle task downloadKTRNG (in the "tasmod" category) to download KillTheRNG to the run/mods folder.


The task eclipse should've generated to launch configs: TASmod_Client.launch and TASmod_Server.launch. Select it, then click the run or debug button in your IDE.

Note: Additional setup is required for the server to actually start, like changing the eula.txt and setting online-mode to false in server.properties.


Build the mod using the gradle task build (or alternatively shadowJar).