Minecrell / plugin-yml

A Gradle plugin that generates plugin.yml for Bukkit/Paper/BungeeCord/Nukkit plugins based on the Gradle project
MIT License
144 stars 16 forks source link
bukkit bungee bungeecord gradle gradle-plugin kotlin-dsl nukkit paper spigot


[!IMPORTANT] IMPORTANT NOTE: This project is now maintained at https://github.com/eldoriarpg/plugin-yml.
This repository will no longer receive any updates and will be archived in the future.

plugin-yml is a simple Gradle plugin that generates the plugin.yml plugin description file for Bukkit plugins, paper-plugin.yml for Paper plugins, bungee.yml for Bungee plugins or nukkit.yml for Nukkit plugins based on the Gradle project. Various properties are set automatically (e.g. project name, version or description) and additional properties can be added using a simple DSL.


plugin-yml requires at least Gradle 7.4. Using the latest version of Gradle is recommended. If you are using an older version of Gradle, try using an older version of plugin-yml as well. plugin-yml 0.5.2 still supports Gradle 5.0+.

Default values

Property Value
Plugin name Project name
Plugin version Project version
Plugin description Project description
Plugin URL (Bukkit only) url project property
Plugin author author project property


Groovy ```groovy plugins { id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit' version '0.6.0' } dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded library 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // All platform plugins bukkitLibrary 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // Bukkit only } bukkit { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = 'TestPlugin' // version = '1.0' // description = 'This is a test plugin' // website = 'https://example.com' // author = 'Notch' // Plugin main class (required) main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin' // Mark plugin for supporting Folia foliaSupported = true // API version (should be set for 1.13+) apiVersion = '1.13' // Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional) load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD' authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2'] contributors = ['Notch3', 'Notch4'] depend = ['WorldEdit'] softDepend = ['Essentials'] loadBefore = ['BrokenPlugin'] prefix = 'TEST' defaultPermission = 'OP' // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP' provides = ['TestPluginOldName', 'TestPlug'] commands { test { description = 'This is a test command!' aliases = ['t'] permission = 'testplugin.test' usage = 'Just run the command!' // permissionMessage = 'You may not test this command!' } // ... } permissions { 'testplugin.*' { children = ['testplugin.test'] // Defaults permissions to true // You can also specify the values of the permissions childrenMap = ['testplugin.test': false] } 'testplugin.test' { description = 'Allows you to run the test command' setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP' } } } ```
kotlin-dsl ```kotlin plugins { java // or `kotlin("jvm") version "..."` id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit") version "0.6.0" } dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded // library(kotlin("stdlib")) // When using kotlin library("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // All platform plugins bukkitLibrary("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // Bukkit only } bukkit { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = "TestPlugin" // version = "1.0" // description = "This is a test plugin" // website = "https://example.com" // author = "Notch" // Plugin main class (required) main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin" // Mark plugin for supporting Folia foliaSupported = true // API version (should be set for 1.13+) apiVersion = "1.13" // Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional) load = BukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2") contributors = listOf("Notch3", "Notch4") depend = listOf("WorldEdit") softDepend = listOf("Essentials") loadBefore = listOf("BrokenPlugin") prefix = "TEST" defaultPermission = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP provides = listOf("TestPluginOldName", "TestPlug") commands { register("test") { description = "This is a test command!" aliases = listOf("t") permission = "testplugin.test" usage = "Just run the command!" // permissionMessage = "You may not test this command!" } // ... } permissions { register("testplugin.*") { children = listOf("testplugin.test") // Defaults permissions to true // You can also specify the values of the permissions childrenMap = mapOf("testplugin.test" to true) } register("testplugin.test") { description = "Allows you to run the test command" default = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP } } } ```


Groovy ```groovy plugins { id 'java' id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.paper' version '0.6.0' } repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "https://papermc.io/repo/repository/maven-public/" } } // NOTE: Paper does not support plugin libraries without additional setup! // Please see "Plugin Libraries JSON" in the README for instructions. dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded library 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // All platform plugins paperLibrary 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // Paper only // Make use of classes included by `bootstrapDependencies` and `serverDependencies` sections below // compileOnly 'com.sk89q.worldedit:worldedit-bukkit:7.2.14' } paper { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = 'TestPlugin' // version = '1.0' // description = 'This is a test plugin' // website = 'https://example.com' // author = 'Notch' // Plugin main class (required) main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin' // Plugin bootstrapper/loader (optional) bootstrapper = 'com.example.testplugin.bootstrap.TestPluginBootstrap' loader = 'com.example.testplugin.loader.TestPluginLoader' hasOpenClassloader = false // Generate paper-libraries.json from `library` and `paperLibrary` in `dependencies` generateLibrariesJson = true // Mark plugin for supporting Folia foliaSupported = true // API version (needs to be 1.19 or higher) apiVersion = '1.19' // Other possible properties from paper-plugin.yml (optional) load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD' authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2'] contributors = ['Notch3', 'Notch4'] prefix = 'TEST' provides = ['TestPluginOldName', 'TestPlug'] // Bootstrap dependencies - Very rarely needed bootstrapDependencies { // Required dependency during bootstrap 'WorldEdit' {} // During bootstrap, load BeforePlugin's bootstrap code before ours 'BeforePlugin' { load = 'BEFORE' required = false joinClasspath = false } // During bootstrap, load AfterPlugin's bootstrap code after ours 'AfterPlugin' { load = 'AFTER' required = false joinClasspath = false } } serverDependencies { // During server run time, require LuckPerms, add it to the classpath, and load it before us 'LuckPerms' { load = 'BEFORE' } // During server run time, require WorldEdit, add it to the classpath, and load it before us 'WorldEdit' { load = 'BEFORE' } // Optional dependency, add it to classpath if it is available 'ProtocolLib' { required = false } // During server run time, optionally depend on Essentials but do not add it to the classpath 'Essentials' { required = false joinClasspath = false } } permissions { 'testplugin.*' { children = ['testplugin.test'] // Defaults permissions to true // You can also specify the values of the permissions childrenMap = ['testplugin.test': false] } 'testplugin.test' { description = 'Allows you to run the test command' setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP' } } } ```
kotlin-dsl ```kotlin import net.minecrell.pluginyml.bukkit.BukkitPluginDescription import net.minecrell.pluginyml.paper.PaperPluginDescription plugins { java // or `kotlin("jvm") version "..."` id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.paper") version "0.6.0" } repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url = uri("https://papermc.io/repo/repository/maven-public/") } } // NOTE: Paper does not support plugin libraries without additional setup! // Please see "Plugin Libraries JSON" in the README for instructions. dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded // library(kotlin("stdlib")) // When using kotlin library("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // All platform plugins paperLibrary("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // Paper only // Make use of classes included by `bootstrapDependencies` and `serverDependencies` sections below // compileOnly("com.sk89q.worldedit", "worldedit-bukkit", "7.2.14") } paper { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = "TestPlugin" // version = "1.0" // description = "This is a test plugin" // website = "https://example.com" // author = "Notch" // Plugin main class (required) main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin" // Plugin bootstrapper/loader (optional) bootstrapper = "com.example.testplugin.bootstrap.TestPluginBootstrap" loader = "com.example.testplugin.loader.TestPluginLoader" hasOpenClassloader = false // Generate paper-libraries.json from `library` and `paperLibrary` in `dependencies` generateLibrariesJson = true // Mark plugin for supporting Folia foliaSupported = true // API version (Needs to be 1.19 or higher) apiVersion = "1.19" // Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional) load = BukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2") prefix = "TEST" defaultPermission = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP provides = listOf("TestPluginOldName", "TestPlug") bootstrapDependencies { // Required dependency during bootstrap register("WorldEdit") // During bootstrap, load BeforePlugin's bootstrap code before ours register("BeforePlugin") { required = false load = PaperPluginDescription.RelativeLoadOrder.BEFORE } // During bootstrap, load AfterPlugin's bootstrap code after ours register("AfterPlugin") { required = false load = PaperPluginDescription.RelativeLoadOrder.AFTER } } serverDependencies { // During server run time, require LuckPerms, add it to the classpath, and load it before us register("LuckPerms") { load = PaperPluginDescription.RelativeLoadOrder.BEFORE } // During server run time, require WorldEdit, add it to the classpath, and load it before us register("WorldEdit") { load = PaperPluginDescription.RelativeLoadOrder.BEFORE } // Optional dependency, add it to classpath if it is available register("ProtocolLib") { required = false } // During server run time, optionally depend on Essentials but do not add it to the classpath register("Essentials") { required = false joinClasspath = false } } permissions { register("testplugin.*") { children = listOf("testplugin.test") // Defaults permissions to true // You can also specify the values of the permissions childrenMap = mapOf("testplugin.test" to true) } register("testplugin.test") { description = "Allows you to run the test command" default = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP } } } ```


Groovy ```groovy plugins { id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bungee' version '0.6.0' } dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded library 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // All platform plugins bungeeLibrary 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1' // Bungee only } bungee { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = 'TestPlugin' // version = '1.0' // description = 'This is a test plugin' // Plugin main class (required) main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin' // Other possible properties from bungee.yml author = 'Notch' depends = ['Yamler'] softDepends = ['ServerListPlus'] } ```
kotlin-dsl ```kotlin plugins { java // or `kotlin("jvm") version "..."` id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bungee") version "0.6.0" } dependencies { // Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded // library(kotlin("stdlib")) // When using kotlin library("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // All platform plugins bungeeLibrary("com.google.code.gson", "gson", "2.10.1") // Bungee only } bungee { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = "TestPlugin" // version = "1.0" // description = "This is a test plugin" // Plugin main class (required) main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin" // Other possible properties from bungee.yml author = "Notch" depends = setOf("Yamler") softDepends = setOf("ServerListPlus") } ```


Groovy ```groovy plugins { id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.nukkit' version '0.6.0' } nukkit { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = 'TestPlugin' // version = '1.0' // description = 'This is a test plugin' // website = 'https://example.com' // author = 'Notch' // Plugin main class and api (required) main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin' api = ['1.0.0'] // Other possible properties from nukkit.yml (optional) load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD' authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2'] depend = ['PlotSquared'] softDepend = ['LuckPerms'] loadBefore = ['BrokenPlugin'] prefix = 'TEST' commands { test { description = 'This is a test command!' aliases = ['t'] permission = 'testplugin.test' usage = 'Just run the command!' } // ... } permissions { 'testplugin.*' { description = 'Allows you to run all testplugin commands' children { 'testplugin.test' { description = 'Allows you to run the test command' setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP' } } } } } ```
kotlin-dsl ```kotlin plugins { java // or `kotlin("jvm") version "..."` id("net.minecrell.plugin-yml.nukkit") version "0.6.0" } nukkit { // Default values can be overridden if needed // name = "TestPlugin" // version = "1.0" // description = "This is a test plugin" // website = "https://example.com" // author = "Notch" // Plugin main class and api (required) main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin" api = listOf("1.0.0") // Other possible properties from nukkit.yml (optional) load = NukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2") depend = listOf("PlotSquared") softDepend = listOf("LuckPerms") loadBefore = listOf("BrokenPlugin") prefix = "TEST" commands { register("test") { description = "This is a test command!" aliases = listOf("t") permission = "testplugin.test" usage = "Just run the command!" } // ... } permissions { register("testplugin.*") { description = "Allows you to run all testplugin commands" children { register("testplugin.test") { description = "Allows you to run the test command" default = NukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP } } } } } ```

Plugin Libraries JSON

Paper and Nukkit do not support specifying libraries directly in the plugin description file. plugin-yml still allows defining dependencies as paperLibrary and nukkitLibrary but these dependencies are not exported by default. Additional runtime plugin code is needed to set them up and load them. To simplify this, plugin-yml can export them in a paper-libraries.json / nukkit-libraries.json file with the following structure:

    "repositories": {"MavenRepo": "https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/"},
    "dependencies": ["com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1"]

This file is only generated after setting generateLibrariesJson to true, e.g.:

paper {
    // generate paper-libraries.json
    generateLibrariesJson = true

The JSON file is included in the plugin JAR and can be parsed at runtime to load the additional libraries.


Define a custom PluginLoader inside your plugin code, for example:

Example PluginLoader ```kotlin paper { loader = "com.example.testplugin.PluginLibrariesLoader" generateLibrariesJson = true } ``` ```java import com.google.gson.Gson; import io.papermc.paper.plugin.loader.PluginClasspathBuilder; import io.papermc.paper.plugin.loader.PluginLoader; import io.papermc.paper.plugin.loader.library.impl.MavenLibraryResolver; import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.DefaultArtifact; import org.eclipse.aether.graph.Dependency; import org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.stream.Stream; public class PluginLibrariesLoader implements PluginLoader { @Override public void classloader(@NotNull PluginClasspathBuilder classpathBuilder) { MavenLibraryResolver resolver = new MavenLibraryResolver(); PluginLibraries pluginLibraries = load(); pluginLibraries.asDependencies().forEach(resolver::addDependency); pluginLibraries.asRepositories().forEach(resolver::addRepository); classpathBuilder.addLibrary(resolver); } public PluginLibraries load() { try (var in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/paper-libraries.json")) { return new Gson().fromJson(new InputStreamReader(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), PluginLibraries.class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private record PluginLibraries(Map repositories, List dependencies) { public Stream asDependencies() { return dependencies.stream() .map(d -> new Dependency(new DefaultArtifact(d), null)); } public Stream asRepositories() { return repositories.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> new RemoteRepository.Builder(e.getKey(), "default", e.getValue()).build()); } } } ```


(No example code available yet)


generateLibrariesJson is also supported on Bukkit/Bungee (to generate bukkit-libraries.json/bungee-libraries.json). However, since these two allow specifying libraries directly inside the plugin.yml the option is generally not needed there.