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Mute Minehut Tutorials #304

Open MrScopes opened 3 years ago

MrScopes commented 3 years ago

Feature request


Platform Website

Describe the feature The youtube videos should be muted by default whenever you're starting your server.

How the feature is useful Sometimes it's sort've startling lol, would be nice if it was muted by default

Use 👍 and 👎 reactions to indicate you agree or disagree with this suggestion! Feel free to discuss the idea in the comments.

quick007 commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if they were removed

farwl commented 3 years ago

^ It would be nice if they were removed

MrScopes commented 3 years ago

yeah honestly an option to just disable them entirely would be nice

drtshock commented 3 years ago

Hey running these videos is how we pay to run all the free servers.

That being said, if you mute the player, does it stay muted for you next time? I think that might be a more reasonable compromise.

quick007 commented 3 years ago

Can we get rid of the transferring for paid servers at least?

drtshock commented 3 years ago

Yeah that's a more reasonable option for us.

MrScopes commented 3 years ago

that being said, if you mute the player, does it stay muted for you next time? I think that might be a more reasonable compromise.


MiginsMC commented 3 years ago

It already does that for me, unless that's a chrome thing