Minehut / Meta

Report bugs or issues and request features and updates for Minehut
31 stars 21 forks source link
bugs features meta minehut

We are no longer maintaining this repo. If you would like to suggest a new feature or report a bug, please consider joining either our public Minehut Discord server or our Minehut Partners Discord server. Thank you for your understanding!

The original README continues below.

Minehut Meta

Welcome to the Minehut Meta GitHub repo! This is the place to report bugs and suggest features and improvements for Minehut, the server hosting network! You can also participate in conversations about feature requests and bug reports.

We would like to improve communication with our users by providing official channels to report problems and tell us your ideas. This space will be taken as an (experimental) approach to see if you feel comfortable reporting and tracking your issues by means of this tool. This document (called the README) will serve as a starting point for making your first issue.


General Introduction

This is the Minehut Meta GitHub repository. Here, you can tell us about your features and ideas that you want to be added to Minehut and you can also report bugs that need to be squashed. We use GitHub's Issue Tracker feature to track bug reports and feature requests (suggestions).

We understand you might not have much experience using GitHub, and that's fine! We'll do our best to help you navigate this tracker. We can start by introducing some key terms you'll be hearing a lot:

Now that you're an expert on the technical jargon we use to manage issues, you're one step closer to making your first issue!

Community Expectations

We expect members of the community participating in conversations here to act in a civil manner and to keep this forum productive and enjoyable. Users who break rules will have their messages deleted and they may be permanently banned from participating depending on the circumstances.



Submitting An Issue

⚠️ Important! If you discover a potential security exploit or vulnerability, please do not report it here! Check our Security Policy for more information.