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Credit Donation on Minehut #377

Open LinkBlock123 opened 3 years ago

LinkBlock123 commented 3 years ago

Feature Request: Credit Donation on Minehut


Hello, I am a Minehut user who started my own server community quite a white ago. I developed my server with my developers and managers. I first purchase server plan so my server can hold more people, therefor I can make a bigger community. That I thought. Why not make a donation feature inside the minehut. Using a buycraft or a custom webstore is first, hard to set up and second, it does not give Minehut any other credit.

So why not make a credit donating feature?

What I am asking is that there are donate button at the minehut dashboard and when you press on it, you type the person's Minecraft username that you will donate to. (No email because it can cause some privacy issues) You buy credit as normal like in the shop but the credit goes to the person they are donating to. This helps server owners to grow the server community larger as more people can help the server grow and to have a better server plan. Please consider adding this feature. It's not anything complex.

Please add this feature, I beg 👍

Use 👍 and 👎 reactions to indicate you agree or disagree with this suggestion! Feel free to discuss the idea in the comments.

quick007 commented 3 years ago

preatty sure this is a dup of #274 (which was closed)

Sniped commented 3 years ago

This would be pretty cool, only thing is it would hav to require the receiver to have their MC account linked to associate it with their panel.

Daddy-Talpapa commented 2 years ago

This would be pretty cool, only thing is it would hav to require the receiver to have their MC account linked to associate it with their panel.

Necroposting I know but that would make it slightly more difficult to abuse the voting rewards