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Disguise in lobby #424

Open yeetyboi56-deprecated opened 3 years ago

yeetyboi56-deprecated commented 3 years ago


Platform both

Describe the feature Allow donators and YouTubers to disguise themselves as someone that hasn't logged on Minehut

How the feature is useful It would let Minehut YouTubers do a proper intro without flying

Use 👍 and 👎 reactions to indicate you agree or disagree with this suggestion! Feel free to discuss the idea in the comments.

Sniped commented 3 years ago

Maybe not people that haven't logged on Minehut before, that would allow people to impersonate others. It should be like Hypixel where people are given some random username and skin.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Instead, why not a disguise to a mob or something

yeetyboi56-deprecated commented 3 years ago

Instead, why not a disguise to a mob or something

that would still make people realize that this guy is disguised and they will follow around

quick007 commented 3 years ago

it would obviously stay, so you cold log as well

ntrogen commented 3 years ago

Quite like the idea of /disguise