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More features in the Minehut API #576

Open Prorickey opened 3 years ago

Prorickey commented 3 years ago

Feature request



Website, not sure what platform.

Describe the feature

More data accessible in the Minehut API. Right now you kinda have to scrape the bottom and that is frustrating for a lot of people.

Features include: • Player data - Data about a player that includes first join date, rank, which server they are in(Unless they disable it like /find), their friends. • More server data - Player list, tps • Lobby data - Who is in the lobbies, which lobbies are up, player counts for each lobby, staff in lobbies(And which lobby), if it's muted or not, status(online, offline, restarting), tps

Another thing I would like to see come back is logging in, this is kind of a copy to #133 so I will keep it short. I would like to see logging in with credentials be easier, right now you have to use the session id and authorization which is very discouraging for many because of those changes. Through the Minehut API or auth0(If it's possible) I would like to see this come back.

Features that would require authorization: • Player things - A way to manage players from the API instead of using send_command, maybe an endpoint to ban, kick, whitelist, op a player • Server player data - First join, list of permissions, opped or not, whitelisted or not, banned(if so include reason) or not, punishment history(When they were banned or kicked, by who, and why), past joins dates and times, chat logs

One last thing, if this feature is accepted and the API becomes more of a public thing, they should have an official and maintained site with the docs(Also kind of a copy of #55 ).

How the feature is useful

This would help servers integrate external things such as websites and discord into the game.

Typed at 2 am so sorry if there are any mistakes or misunderstandings

Use 👍 and 👎 reactions to indicate you agree or disagree with this suggestion! Feel free to discuss the idea in the comments.

quick007 commented 3 years ago

iirc the API isn't meant to be public and its in the pipeline to make a full api soon:tm:

also giving away what staff are in lobbies seems like smth a normal player wouldn't need unless there a botter

Prorickey commented 3 years ago

iirc the API isn't meant to be public and its in the pipeline to make a full api soon™️

also giving away what staff are in lobbies seems like smth a normal player wouldn't need unless there a botter

Now that I think of it, giving away how many staff are in lobbies and what lobbies shouldn't be included so just scratch that idea

s-wendel commented 3 years ago

I concur

expxx commented 3 years ago

I think they should add an option to start a specific server with the api. So you can remote start the server from like a button on the server’s website

tarna commented 3 years ago

I think they should add an option to start a specific server with the api. So you can remote start the server from like a button on the server’s website

There already is an option to start a specific server with the api. It just requires authorization, which is hard to manage at the moment.


Prorickey commented 3 years ago

I think they should add an option to start a specific server with the api. So you can remote start the server from like a button on the server’s website

There already is an option to start a specific server with the api. It just requires authorization, which is hard to manage at the moment.


Pretty sure that requires you to be authorized though

quick007 commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure that requires you to be authorized though

I belive you can webscrape to get the API key

Prorickey commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure that requires you to be authorized though

I belive you can webscrape to get the API key

Ik, but I think the guy was talking about it without authorization. But then the problem that servers can be opened over and over and cause lag arises. So I guess that wouldn't be such a good idea.

TrueReassembly commented 2 years ago

I would love an API update, also a much better system to get my API key would be sick, We could make an entire control panel through a discord bot or smth. I am SO down for a better API. +1