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Server Webpages (Read before judging) #681

Open expxx opened 3 years ago

expxx commented 3 years ago

Feature request



Website (NEW) Describe the feature

Create a feature of Server Webpage url like https://minehut.com/server/(servername)/(ownername) or smth like that

It contains:

2 buttons, a start server button, and a renew server name button (#189) a status bar (online, offline, hibernating, stopping, starting, downloading, etc..) a player counter bar (displays server member count out of server member max) a tps bar (displays tps) a cpu bar (displays cpu usage out of max cpu) and a ram usage bar (displays used ram out of max ram).

These are just some ideas and can be changed.

How the feature is useful

It benefits owners, it also allows us to implement a server name timeout thing. It benefits owners who go on vacation for example, players can renew the name.

Use 👍 and 👎 reactions to indicate you agree or disagree with this suggestion! Feel free to discuss the idea in the comments.

drtshock commented 3 years ago

Yes I love this! More web traffic for us too ;)

What else would you want to see on those pages?

aidanH39 commented 3 years ago

I love this idea.

This might be a little far but would be sick. Maybe adding some sort of way you can customize the web page. This being a visual editor or just plain HTML. and having ways to get information such as

players online max players server ip address is server online ram usage

2 buttons, a start server button, and a renew server name button

I like this idea, as anyone could startup the server from the website.

expxx commented 3 years ago

Maybe we could allow custom domains? Like a cname record in DNS. That could be a bit far for minehut, butcha never know.

We could also add another whole tab in the web panel for the website. It would have a little wizard that sets up our domain with a cname record? Maybe an HTML editor?