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Minehut Simple Voice Chat #952

Open Thetriplecross opened 2 years ago

Thetriplecross commented 2 years ago

Is there any way that the mod Simple voice chat could be integrated with minehut? I would like to be able to have a feature like this without having to pay to buy a voice chat plugin in the store. I believe that the DDos protection is what keeps the mod from working. Is there any way that an exception could be made for this specific mod?

Feature request



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expxx commented 2 years ago

No, it needs its own port. Its not DDoS prot canceling it. Minehut has stated they will add ability for custom ports to be allocated to a server soon, but until then, not possible.

Thetriplecross commented 2 years ago

Ok cool. I saw a lot of people on reddit and discord asking if this was available for minehut. Glad that is on the to-do list for the near-ish future

CoreyShupe commented 2 years ago

Ok cool. I saw a lot of people on reddit and discord asking if this was available for minehut. Glad that is on the to-do list for the near-ish future

There have been no claims of this by any official sources. It is not planned for the near future. Nor is it planned for non-proxy networks or external -> internal comms.

This is something we want to do, there's just a long list of TODO items before we can even think about the architecture for this kind of project.