MinervaExpt / CCQENu

A port of the CCQENu package from the MINERvA offline software framework to Ben's New Systematics Framework
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Get 2D histograms to have what they are at the top like 1D do #28

Open hschellman opened 2 years ago

hschellman commented 2 years ago

2D histograms don't say what the plot is. 1D do, I think it was done in plotting_pdf as

TText *t = new TText(.3,.95,label.c_str()); t->SetNDC(1); t->SetTextSize(.03);

mnvPlotter.DrawDataMCWithErrorBand(datahist, hist, mcScale, "TL", useHistTitles, NULL, NULL,cov_area, statPlusSys);

std::string plotname = Form("Title: %s_CV_werr%s",datahist->GetName() ,label.c_str()); t->Draw();