MinervaExpt / CCQENu

A port of the CCQENu package from the MINERvA offline software framework to Ben's New Systematics Framework
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CCQENUMAT - MAT implementation of CCCQENU

This repository will contain the MAT hist creation and analysis codes

There is a doxygen site associated with it at https://minervaexpt.github.io/CCQENu/ which is built off of branch CCQENu-doxygen

utilities/ useful utililties for analysis

here is how to build CCQEMAT using the new MAT

setup root, CVSROOT and get the MAT code installed using the documentation in github.com/MinervaExpt/MAT-MINERvA

pro tip - if you are not on a machine with cvmfs, find a place to put flux and weight files and add

-DFLUX_FILE_DIR=<location of flux files> to your cmake command

that avoids duplicating 2GB of files locally


export WHEREMIPUTMYCODE=<directory where MAT code is
source $WHEREIPUTMYCODE/opt/build/setup.sh

# now get the CCQEMAT code
git clone https://github.com/MinervaExpt/CCQENu


# on mac's you need to:



source $CCQEMAT/setup_osx.sh #on osx

source $CCQEMAT/setup_unx.sh #on unix

If you get json related errors install jsoncpp on your machine or on fnal machines.  I think you can get this with conda or on fnal Machines by doing. 

export JSONCPP_DIR=/exp/minerva/app/users/schellma/LocalApps/jsoncpp-build

# I haven't figured out how to do Andrew style builds yet so this builds on the source directory. But there is a MAT compatible cmake now.  

cmake hms # or one of the other user directories for different people's particular builds

cmake fits # adds in independent code that can do fits for backgrounds across multiple sample

then type make

The code now supports using environmentals to set values in json files so you can have one file which then has ${MYPLAYLIST} to switch among playlists

And the utilities directory now has scripts that support running on the grid.