MinnowBoard-org / website

The Original and obsolete MinnowBoard.org website. BUT also the CURRENT website feedback Wiki.
5 stars 7 forks source link

MinnowBoard.org website Copyright (C) 2011-2016 MinnowBoard.org Foundation

The MinnowBoard.org website is a Polymer web application hosted using Express in a NodeJS application.

The NodeJS application relies on a forwarding proxy for performing secure https:// communication. A configuration for nginx is documented below.

Quick init: Assumes prerequisites already installed


The website uses NodeJS, npm, and bower:

npm install -g bower

Cloning and building

git clone git@github.com:minnowboard-ord/website.git minnow
cd minnow
npm install
bower install

Load the website:

npm start &
xdg-open http://localhost:8080/

Optimizing the website

Bower projects can introduce a large number of dependent web projects, all of which need to be fetched when the website loads. The Polymer project has a utility to vulanize and optimize a website into a reduced set of resources.

To build the optimized version of the site, you need polymer-cli.

Unfortunately, polymer-cli has problems being installed behind a proxy due to a dependency on test-fixture, so if you use a proxy, you might not be able to install the polymer-cli project:

npm install -g polymer-cli
polymer build index.html

Running polymer build will create a build directory with a version of the website with all HTML and CSS dependencies in a single file.

At this point, there are two manual changes that must be made:

  1. Uncomment the line in build/bundled/index.html
  2. Create the file build/bundled/shared-bundle.html

The first is needed because if we provide <base href="https://github.com/MinnowBoard-org/website/blob/master/"> in the index.html, polymer build will be unable to find the files it needs to parse.

The second is needed due to polymer build's app-shell logic, which does not work well if you aren't using an app-shell. You can perform both of the above via:

touch build/bundled/shared-bundle.html
sed -i -e "s,<script>'base href=\"/\"';</script>,<base href=\"/\">,g" \

To host the website out of the build/bundled/ directory, provide the BASE environment variable to the npm start command:

BASE=build/bundled/ npm start &
xdg-open http://localhost:8080

The sync script performs a site upgrade by building the lastest version and then renaming the build directory to ${branch}-${shortSha}, then setting a symlink from live to that new directory. BASE is therefore set to point to live/ on the staging and production systems.

Where do the "Get Help" submissions go?

If you navigate to the /help page of the website, it provides a web form that allows users to submit a question directly to the MinnowBoard support team.

In the NodeJS application, the /help functionality is implemented in routes/help.js.

In addition to having an email sent whenever a user submits a help request via /help, the messages are written to the messages.log file.


The website runs on two servers, using Webhooks for continuous integration and deployment.

NOTE: To ensure only trusted updates are received from GitHub, Webhooks must be configured with a Secret. The Secret is used to create a payload signature, which is then sent in the X-Hub-Signature header from GitHub. routes/git-sync.js takes the GITHUB_SECRET from the environment and uses that as the signature.

Staging: stg.minnowboard.org

The staging server, stg.minnowboard.org is typically running the master version of the GIT project hosted on https://github.com/minnowboard-org/website.

It is configured to automatically pull down the latest code any time there is an update to the GIT master branch via a Webhook configured on the GitHub project.

The Webhook invokes the sync script which performs the polymer build, performs the two manual fixups described previously, as well as npm and bower updates. Because polymer build can take a long time to complete, the GitHub webhook may timeout, which means the reporting console on the server will indicate webhook failures. Check the update.log to see if the update completed.

Production: minnowboard.org

The production server, minnowboard.org, is manually updated by merging from master into the production branch.

When a version of the staging server is ready to be moved to production, it can be moved to production using the GitHub web front-end. The server will then automatically upgrade via the same Webhook infrastructure that stg.minnowboard.org uses.

Developer Installation

For instructions for developing using Linux, see INSTALL-LINUX.

For instructions for developing using Windows, see INSTALL-WINDOWS.

Updating stg.minnowboard.org

There is a webhook configured for the minnowboard-org/website.git GitHub project that triggers a the site to automatically update from GitHub.

Editing site markdown content

When deployed to the live server, edit links ("View content page on GitHub") are disabled by default. To simplify editing of the site content, you can enable edit mode and make those links visible by affixing the "edit=on" query parameter to the site URL. For example:


This will populate the page with the href links to the specific content pages managed on GitHub.

Coding Style Guidelines

JSBeautify is used for the HTML, CSS, and Javascript files created for this project. For external projects pulled in as dependencies, no style linting is performed.

JSBeautify is configured to use 2-space tabs and to put a space between an anonymous function and the parenthesis. In general, the Google Javascript style guide[1] should be followed.

  1. https://google.github.io/styleguide/javascriptguide.xml

Creating a top-level page

Creating a new top level page is pretty quick. Let's say you want a new page called super-fancy that can be accessed via https://minnowboard.org/super-fancy.

Create the directory for the page

cd minnow # Or whatever directory you cloned the website into
mkdir pages/super-fancy

Create the markdown files

We will use the generic markdown page loader. It users two markdown files. One for the left-navigation panel and one for the main panel. These files are loaded from the pages/super-fancy directory and are named super-fancy-intro.md and super-fancy.md.

Add the page loader to index.html

Add the following chunk of HTML (changing super-fancy to your page name) in the <iron-pages>. You can look for the comment string <!-- pages are listed here -->.

<template is="dom-if" id="super-fancy-template" if="[[showPage('super-fancy', tab)]]">
  <generic-page id='super-fancy' edit="{{edit}}"

NOTE: In the above, there are three instances of super-fancy you need to change.

Add an entry to the meta.json

If you want open graph tags for the new page, edit meta.json and add a section describing the page (see the section Meta-Tag Injection for information on those tags.)

Add your changes to git

And that's it. You can now load the page. Once you've tested it, you're ready to add your page to git, commit, and push to GitHub:

git branch add-super-fancy
git checkout add-super-fancy
git add pages/super-fancy/*
git commit -s -a -m "Added 'super-fancy' page"
git push origin add-super-fancy:add-super-fancy

Meta-Tag Injection

Modify the file meta.json to provide a list of patterns and corresponding meta-tags to inject into the single-page-app returned with the URL.

The first pattern matched is the first set of tags returned. To test a pattern, use the Express Route Tester.

Markdown language

The markdown content is interpreted on the client through the markdown-it javascript parser. While it supports the commonmark markdown language, it includes some extensions as documented at https://markdown-it.github.io/

Embedded html tags are not enabled.

Building the production code

Polymer Build is used to create the "build" version of the site that is hosted on minnowboard.org. Prior to pushing to staging, you need to run the following:

polymer build index.html
git commit -s -a -m 'Polymer Build regeneration'

Managing server instance with pm2

You can use the pm2 process manager to manage the website instance.

Install PM2 if you don't have it already:

sudo npm install -g pm2

Edit pm2.json so that cwd matches the directory you will run the server from. For example, if you cloned it into /var/repos/minnowboard.org, change cwd to "/var/repos/minnowboard.org":

  "cwd": "/var/respo/minnowboard.org"

If you want to put log files somewhere other than /var/log/www, change the following entries as well:

  "error_file": "/var/log/www/minnowboard.org.err",
  "out_file": "/var/log/www/minnowboard.org.log",

NOTE: The user you run the application as needs to have write permission to /var/log/www:

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/www
sudo chown $(whoami): /var/log/www