Minnowo / WinkingCatFace

Screenshot software for cats ;3c
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

Winking Cat Face

Screenshot software for cats

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Features
  3. Dependencies

About The Project

This project is a screenshot utility for Windows. I was unsatisfied with the other options available, most of them lacking the ability to have the screenshot quickly persist onscreen. With the Clips feature, this is super easy.

Main Window Preview


TWCF has a large featureset.

It's primary purpose is taking screenshots but it can also act as a color picker, read and create QRCodes/Barcodes, perform OCR, act as a file manager, check file hashes, and do regex.


One of the most popular features is Clips.

A clip is a screenshot which remains on screen and can be dragged around, resized, rotated and copied.

The default hotkey to make a new clip is Alt + Z.

Clip Showcase: ![Clip preview](./preview/clips.gif)

Color Picker

TWCF has a powerful built-in color picker.

The color picker supports conversions between 4 different color spaces, can visualize 3 of them, has hex and decimal input and output and can pick colors directly from your screen.

Color Picker Preview: ![Color Picker Window Preview](./preview/colorpicker.gif)


You can set custom hotkeys for the following functionality: | Name | Description | |---------|---------| | None | do nothing | | Region Capture | select an area to screenshot | | New Clip From Region Capture | createa a clip from a selected area | | New Clip From File | createa a clip from a selected file | | New Clip From Clipboard | createa a clip from an image in your clipboard | | Screen Color Picker | choose a color on your screen to copy it | | Capture Last Region | capture last selected region | | Capture Fullscreen | capture all monitors | | Capture Active Monitor | capture the monitor with your mouse on it | | Capture Active Window | capture the active window | | Capture Window | do nothing | | Capture gif | do nothing | | New OCR Capture | do nothing | | Color Wheel Picker | opens a new color picker window | | Hash Check | opens a new hash check window | | Regex | opens a new regex window | | QRCode | opens a new QRCode window | | Open Main Form | opens the main window |
Hotkey Window Preview: ![Hotkey Window Preview](./preview/hotkeys.jpg)

Image Viewer

The main window acts a file explorer with a builtin image viewing window. You can set some different interpolation modes and drag modes allowing you to zoom and move the image around. There is also a fullscreen button.

By default the file explorer is pointed to your set screenshots folder, so if you ever need to quicly see something you just took a screenshot of, it's right there waiting.

Image Support

Format Reading Writing Notes
JPEG yes yes none
PNG yes yes none
BMP yes yes none
TIFF yes yes none
GIF yes yes no feature for writing animated gifs
WEBP yes yes requires libwebp plugin, no animation support
WRM yes yes this is a custom image format which only this application supports


You can run OCR on images using OCR.Space's online API.

This OCR service works relatively well and has a bunch of supported languages.

OCR Window Preview: ![OCR Window Preview](./preview/ocr.jpg)
