The miriconf NodeJS frontend.
Clone this repository as well as the MiriConf Backend repository, make sure they are both in the same folder like below:
--> miriconf
--> miriconf-frontend
--> miriconf-backend
Install dependencies:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
irm | iex
scoop install tilt helm
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
Once dependencies are met, open a Powershell terminal in the miriconf-frontend folder and run tilt up -f tiltfile-frontend
then press space to open tilt in your browser. You should now have the following available to access on your computer:
miriconf-frontend running at http://localhost:8080
miriconf-backend api running at http://localhost:8081/api/v1
mongo-db admin panel running at http://localhost:8083
swagger api docs at http://localhost:8081/swagger/index.html.