MirielCH / Maya-the-Bee

Reminder for the Discord bot Tree.
MIT License
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Maya the Bee

License: MIT Python: 3.8 Database: SQLite

Reminder / Helper for the Discord bot Tree.


• If you want to not bother with any of the following and just invite Maya, click here

Setup to run your own instance

• Install python 3.8 or higher. I recommend the newest version (3.11).
• Install the third party libraries mentioned in requirements.txt.
• Create a Discord application with a bot user, activate the required intents and generate a bot token.
• Rename default.env to .env and set all required variables mentioned in the file.
• Rename database/default_db.db to database/DATABASE.db.
• Upload all emojis in images/emojis to a private server Maya can see.
• Change all emojis in resources/emojis.py to the ones you uploaded.
• Run bot.py.
• Invite Maya to your server(s). Note the required permissions below.

Updating your bot instance

• Replace all .py files.
• Upload emojis and change their ID in resources/emojis.py if there are new ones.
• Restart the bot.
• If the bot requires database changes, it will not start and tell you so. In that case, turn off the bot, BACKUP YOUR DATABASE and run database/update_database.py.

Required intents

• guilds
• members
• message_content
• messages

Required permissions

• Send Messages
• Embed Links
• Add Reactions
• Use External Emoji
• Read Message History


Maya uses slash commands but also supports some text commands.
Default prefix for text commands is maya and is changeable in /settings server.
Use /help for an overview.

Dev commands

These commands are only available if you host yourself and provide bot admin level functionality.
They are restricted as follows:
• They can only be used by users set in DEV_IDS.
• They are not registered globally and only show up in the servers set in DEV_GUILDS.
• They are not listed in /help.

The following commands are available:

/dev consolidate

Manually triggers the tracking consolidation. This runs daily at 00:00 UTC, so you probably won't need this.

/dev event-reductions

Manages global event reductions. If there ever will be reduced cooldowns in an event, this is the command to use.

/dev post-message

Allows you to send a custom message via Maya to a channel.

/dev reload

Allows reloading of cogs and modules on the fly.
Note that you should always restart the bot when there is a breaking change, no matter what.

It's not possible to reload the following files:
• Cogs with slash command definitions. Due to Discord restrictions, you need to restart the whole thing if you change slash commands.
• The file bot.py as this is the main file that is running.
• The file tasks.py. I had mixed results with this, just restart instead.

To reload files in subfolders, use folder.file (e.g. resources.settings). Cogs don't need that, the filename is enough (e.g. prune).

/dev server-list

Lists all servers Maya is in by name.

/dev shutdown

Shuts down the bot. Note that if the bot is registered as a systemctl or systemd service, it will automatically restart.