Mirinth / Plexiglass

A lexer generator, in the spirit of GNU Flex.
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Plexiglass is a lexer generater, in the spirit of GNU Flex. It takes as input a description of a lexer and generates an implementation of it in C++.

Plexiglass aims to do all the work in the lexer's domain-specific language, without having to drop into the underlying C++ to implement actions. This may make it easier to read a Plexiglass lexer, at the expense of not being as powerful.

File format

Input files consist of expressions and rules.


An expression looks like:

expression some-name

expression is a keyword that indicates this is an expression. It must start in the first column. some-name is the name you want to refer to the expression by later. It can contain anything but whitespace.

Following the name is a regular expression. The expression must start on the next line, and be indented with either 4 spaces or 1 tab. The expression continues to the end of the line.

The expression currently uses the ECMAScript format. This won't be supported forever. In particular, backreferences will be removed long-term.

Expressions cannot start with a literal space. If you need to start with a space, you can put it in parenthesis, e.g. ( )expression.

Expressions cannot start with a literal tab. You can escape leading tabs as \t instead.

Expressions cannot contain # at all. You can use a unicode escape if needed.


A rule looks like:

rule what-to-match
    action2 parameter

rule is a keyword that indicates this is a rule. It must start in the first column. what-to-match is the name of an expression. The rule will only apply when this expression matches. Expressions can be referenced in a rule before they're defined.

Following is a list of actions. Each one must be on its own line, indented. If an action has a parameter, that must be on the same line as the action.

Allowed actions include:

The generated lexer

The generated lexer will include a .hpp and .cpp file, named after the input file and placed in the same folder. The lexer itself will also be named after the input file. For example, if your lexer is described in lexer.plex, then the generated lexer will be in lexer.hpp and lexer.cpp and named lexer.

The lexer API includes the following members. Members assume your lexer is named lexer.

Debug lexers

Plexiglass supports a debugging mode useful for seeing how a file is lexed. To generate a debug lexer, pass the --debug flag to Plexiglass when generating your lexer. Alternatively, you can look for the Used to include/exclude driver code. comment in your lexer and change the preprocessor condition to enable the driver.

When enabled, this mode generates a complete program which can be built and run on a file. The program will output each token matched and the text associated with it.

Building Plexiglass

Plexiglass is a CMake project. There are several targets available: