A Python interface to MoneyMoney
import money
instance = money.MoneyMoney()
for account in instance.accounts():
print(f"{account.name}: {account.balance:0.2f} {account.currency}")
for tx in account.transactions():
print(f"Transaction: {tx.payee}: {tx.amount:0.2f}")
Only print new transactions (checked=False) which are already booked. After printing them out, set the state to 'checked' so that they will not be seen in the next invocation.
for account in instance.accounts():
for tx in account.transactions(age=90, booked=True, checked=False):
print(f"New transaction: {tx}")
Access all your portfolios
print("Check all Portfolios")
for account in instance.portfolios():
print(f"Checking portfolio: {account.name}")
for p in account.positions():
print(f"Have {p.quantity} {p.type}s from '{p.name}' at price {p.price} {p.currencyOfPrice}")