MirrorYuChen / mnn_example

alibaba MNN, mobilenet classifier, centerface detecter, ultraface detecter, pfld landmarker and zqlandmarker, mobilefacenet
MIT License
203 stars 62 forks source link
classifier facealigner facedection facelandmark facerecognition mnn objectdetection


alibaba MNN, mobilenet classifier, centerface detector, pfld landmarker and zqlandmarker, mobilefacenet


时间 更新内容
20200621 1.remove the interface of GetImg;
20200320 1.fix bug in face aligner;
20200305 1.add ultraface and blending nms;
20200221 1.add mobilefacenet;
20200220 1.use template to reduce the reaptly code in NMS;
20200218 1.refacter the project;
20200217 1.add zwnet and face database;
20200216 1.refacter the project and add zqlandmarker;
20200215 1.add pfld landmarker and face aligner;
20200214 1.add centerface detector;
20200205 1.add object detection;
20200128 1.add image classification;

2.How to use?