Misaliet / Seamless-Satellite-image-Synthesis

code for paper -- "Seamless Satellite-image Synthesis"
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Seamless Satellite-image Synthesis

by Jialin Zhu and Tom Kelly.

Project site and additional material. The code of our models borrows heavily from the BicycleGAN repository and SPADE repository. Some missing description can be found in the original repository.

(If you are not a programmer or you do not understand Deep Learning, I suggest you read my reply in this issue. This is a project to show our research results, not an engineering project that can be directly used or simply modified to generate infinite satellite images. Just think about it briefly: due to copyright restrictions, I cannot provide a large amount of map data. You need to go to Digimap to download vector map data and render it to map image yourself. This is enough hard for many people.

Watch the video

YouTube video

Web UI system

Watch the video

Pre-trained weights are available here: Mega link

We provide some preset map data, if you want more extensive or other map data, you need to replace the map data yourself. There are some features that have not yet been implemented. Please report bugs as github issues.

SSS pipeline

The SSS whole pipeline will allow users to generate a set of satellite images from map data of three different scale level.

We provide some preset map data, if you want more extensive or other map data, you need to replace the map data yourself.


You can also re-train the whole pipeline or train with your own data. For copyright reasons, we will not provide download links for the data we use. But they are very easy to obtain, especially for academic institutions such as universities. Our training data is from Digimap. We use OS MasterMap® Topography Layer with GDAL and GeoPandas to render map images, and we use satellite images from Aerial via Getmapping.

To train map2sat for level 1:


  title={Seamless Satellite-image Synthesis},
  author={Zhu, J and Kelly, T},
  booktitle={Computer Graphics Forum},


We would like to thank Nvidia Corporation for hardware and Ordnance Survey Mapping for map data which made this project possible. This work was undertaken on ARC4, part of the High Performance Computing facilities at the University of Leeds, UK. This work made use of the facilities of the N8 Centre of Excellence in Computationally Intensive Research (N8 CIR) provided and funded by the N8 research partnership and EPSRC (Grant No. EP/T022167/1).