MittaAI / webwright

Webwright is an AI-powered terminal emulator that lives within your OS. It eliminates time spent on repetitive tasks, conjures code, summons software, and bends the OS to its will. Are you ready to release the ghost in your shell?
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Implement Consensus Mechanism for Multi-Model Operations #39

Open kordless opened 4 months ago

kordless commented 4 months ago

Issue Summary

To enhance the consistency of steps taken by the agent when completing tasks for the user, we propose implementing a consensus mechanism among multiple LLMs. This mechanism ensures that when there are multiple tokens or inputs from the user, two models will work together to come to an agreement on the steps to be taken. If the task involves more than two steps, one model will be designated as in charge and will confer with the other.

Desired Outcome

Steps to Implement

  1. Check if more than one model is available.
  2. Implement a double-checking mechanism where the primary function model asks the secondary model for its input.
  3. Log the consensus process and the agreed steps, indicating the assigned roles and actions.

Priority and Severity

kordless commented 4 months ago

Change the system prompt implmeentation to use a dynamic system prompt that changes based on the portion of the workflow that is being processed. So, for a new issue, we get a plan back immediately (i.e. we don't call a bunch of funcitons first).