MittisBootloop / esp32_nesemu_wemosmini

Based on espressif's nesemu port. Now multiple Roms, brightness and fullscreen settings
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ESP32-NESEMU, a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the ESP32

This is the quick and dirty port of Nofrendo, a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator (original by Espressif, I've added (even more dirty) multi Rom support and a little Menu with sound-, fullscreen- and brightness-settings. Fullscreen can cause graphical glitches and it has bad sound.

ESP32+Display+Battery in a NES Controller:


This is a proof-of-concept and not an official application note. As such, this code is entirely unsupported by Espressif.


You can compile this code with espressifs esp-idf (ESP32) or you can download a precompiled version here:

(I've compiled it with the idf version: v3.2-dev-39-gaaf12390)


To display the NES output, please connect a 320x240 ili9341-based SPI display to the ESP32 in this way:

=====  =======================
Pin    GPIO
=====  =======================
MISO   25
MOSI   23
CLK    19
CS     22
DC     21
RST    18
LED    27
=====  =======================

Also connect the power supply and ground. For now, the LCD is controlled using a SPI peripheral, fed using the 2nd CPU. This is less than ideal; feeding the SPI controller using DMA is better, but was left out due to this being a proof of concept.


| Button | GPIO |
| ---    | ---  |
| UP     | 34   |
| DOWN   | 33   |
| RIGHT  | 32   |
| LEFT   | 39   |
| SELECT | 17   |
| START  | 14   |
| B      | 35   |
| A      | 13   |
| ON/OFF | 12   |
| MENU   | 16   |

Connect also 3.3V to the Buttons


Connect one Speaker-Pin to GPIO 26 and the other one to GND


This includes no Roms. You'll have to flash your own Roms and modify the roms.txt according to your needs. Don't change the Layout from roms.txt, otherwise it could happen, that the menu will not load. Description on how to change the roms.txt and where to place the Roms are in the file itself.

You can flash up to 14 Roms. 4x up to 100KB 2x up to 132KB 4x up to 260KB 1x up to 296KB, 388KB, 516KB, 772KB

Flash the Roms with the script, you'll need to add an argument for flash adress(0x12345) and one for the file you want to flash: ./ 0xTargetAdress RomName.nes Flash the roms.txt with the script: ./flashtxt roms.txt

If you flash, for example, only to Rom-Partition 2, you'll have to give Rom1 in roms.txt anyhow an Name (a place-maker) otherwise the menu couldn't load the right partition.


Code in this repository is Copyright (C) 2016 Espressif Systems, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 as described in the file LICENSE. Code in the components/nofrendo is Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Matthew Conte ( and licensed under the GPLv2.