MoOx / react-topbar-progress-indicator

`topbar` progress indicator as a React component
MIT License
109 stars 6 forks source link
react react-component topbar


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topbar progress indicator as a React component

Will simply show() and hide() topbar when the component is respectively mounted and unmounted.

Since topbar is a singleton, using <TopBarProgress /> multiples times will take this in consideration. This means that hide() will only be called when all <TopBarProgress /> have been unmounted.

For example, if you render 2 <TopBarProgress /> and unmount one (eg: you are doing 2 async things and only once is done), hide() won't be called. You will need to have both instances unmounted.


npm install react-topbar-progress-indicator
## or
yarn add react-topbar-progress-indicator


import TopBarProgress from "react-topbar-progress-indicator";

  barColors: {
    "0": "#fff",
    "1.0": "#fff"
  shadowBlur: 5

const YourThing = () => {
  return <div>{this.state.loading && <TopBarProgress />}</div>;


Since topbar is a singleton, you should configure via Topbar.config().

barThickness (Integer, px)

The progress bar thickness in px (default: 3).

barColors (Object { progress: color })

Object of gradient color stops used to draw the progress bar.


  barColors: {
    "0": "#f00",
    "0.5": "#0f0",
    "1.0": "#00f",


Integer of the shadow blur in px (default: 10).


String that represent the shadow color (hexa, default: #000).


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