MoTrPAC / motrpac-frontend

User interface and Frontend for MoTrPAC Bioinformatics Center
MIT License
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MoTrPAC Data Hub

User interface and Frontend for MoTrPAC Bioinformatics Center

CircleCI Sauce Test Status

Directory Layout and Setup

File Structure

├── src
│   ├── assets: images, logos, etc.
│   ├── components: jsx UI components
│   ├── lib: static information like team member names and assay lists
│   ├── main.css: Compiled from sass/main.sass
│   ├── sass: source sass styling
│   ├── storybook.test.js: initialize snapshots for storybook tests
│   ├── storybookSnapshotInit.Skiptest.js: rename Skiptest to test to include snapshot testing
│   ├── testData: Mock data used in stories and tests
│   └── [Component/Feature Name]: contains reducers, actions, components, subcomponents, and tests
│   | └── __test__: contains the storybook story and jest tests for the feature.
├── public
├── .storybook: configuration for storybook
├── .eslintrc.js: ESlint configuration
├── .prettierrc.js: Prettier configuration
├── .stylelint.config.js: StyleLint configurations for Sass Linting

Flow for creating new components

  1. Create [component].jsx file in src/[Component]
  2. Create storybook snapshots file src/[Component]/__test__/[component].stories.jsx
  3. Create tests in src/[Component]/__test__/[component].test.jsx
  4. Integrate required actions and reducers in to the components directory (ex. for upload handling logic that would be src/UploadPage/uploadReducer.js)
  5. If it is a full page, add routing logic to src/App/App.jsx

Building and running

Software versions and styles


Additional Notes

Testing meta tags

Notes on redux integration

Potential down the line dependency issues

Current navigation/routing implementation

Download Page Behavior

Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source ❤️ provided by Sauce Labs