Welcome to the ACPC-Topic-Focused-Training-Archive repository! Created by the ACPC Scientific Committee, this project provides a collaborative space for contributors to share solutions to problems from the Arab Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC) region. We encourage everyone to participate and improve their problem-solving skills through teamwork and knowledge sharing.
Ensure your code includes comments explaining the steps of your solution. If possible, also include a brief description in the solution file detailing how you approached and solved the problem (e.g., bfs-solution.cpp
We welcome contributions from everyone! To contribute:
Fork the repository.
Clone your fork locally:
git clone https://github.com/MoamenAhmedMostafa/ACPC-Topic-Focused-Training-Archive.git
Add your solution inside the appropriate folder. Please follow the directory structure:
/number theory (easy)
, please ensure that the folder name is topic (diff)
. For example, graph(easy)
is an incorrect folder name, even though it is the contest name on Codeforces. The correct folder name should be graph (easy)
.Commit and push your changes to your fork:
git add .
git commit -m "Added solution for problem X in language Y"
git push origin
Submit a pull request with a clear description of the solution you are submitting.
You can find the problems listed in the ACPC Topic-Focused Training Archive - Codeforces.
Please be respectful and help maintain a positive and inclusive environment for everyone.