App Purpose
Track the phenology and growth of our plants and rivers over the course of a season with the help of the general public and K-12 students.
Stake holders
David Bain - Friends of North Creek Forest
- Post pictures and surveys on rivers and plants.
- Map with photopoint locations
- Detailed plant information
User stories
- Laura takes a picture and uploads it to the citizen’s science project so they can keep a record of phenology.
- Laura uses the Photo Points glossary to learn more about a certain type of fauna.
- James takes a picture of a nearby river to help monitor the water levels and bank erosion.
- James takes a picture of a nearby plant to help catalogue it for the database.
- James uploads a previously taken picture of a plant he found interesting.
- Grace uploads a photo to a citizen science project and sees a photo history made of select images of the same plant taken by her.
Style Guide
Java Android Development Style Guide