Hey @Mobius1 How are you doing ? I'm looking for a script to integrate into qb-core and you're seems perfect.
I have fews issues with TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', source --[[ integer ]], xp --[[ integer ]])
and a error from Init. Do you know what is about ?
Also about the triggerclientevent I always get nil value like this. I'm using it like this :
-- > exports.xperience:AddXP(100) on my client side of the event
--> TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', source, 100) on my server side of the event
I am using it the right way ?
Best regards and thank you for help in advance :) @Mobius1 ?
Hey @Mobius1 How are you doing ? I'm looking for a script to integrate into qb-core and you're seems perfect. I have fews issues with
TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', source --[[ integer ]], xp --[[ integer ]])
and a error from Init. Do you know what is about ?Also about the triggerclientevent I always get nil value like this. I'm using it like this : -- > exports.xperience:AddXP(100) on my client side of the event --> TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', source, 100) on my server side of the event
I am using it the right way ?
Best regards and thank you for help in advance :) @Mobius1 ?