Mobius1 / xperience

XP Ranking System for FiveM
GNU General Public License v3.0
73 stars 17 forks source link
esx fivem fivem-roleplay fivem-script qbcore


XP Ranking System for FiveM

Increasing XP

Demo Image 1

Rank Up

Demo Image 2

Table of Contents


Select an option:


By default this resource uses oxmysql, but if you don't want to use / install it then you can use mysql-async by following these instructions:

Transitioning from esx_xp

If you previously used esx_xp and are still using es_extended then do the following to make your current stored xp / rank data compatible with xperience


Client Side

Client Exports

Give XP to player

exports.xperience:AddXP(xp --[[ integer ]])

Take XP from player

exports.xperience:RemoveXP(xp --[[ integer ]])

Set player's XP

exports.xperience:SetXP(xp --[[ integer ]])

Set player's rank

exports.xperience:SetRank(rank --[[ integer ]])

Get player's XP


Get player's rank


Get XP required to rank up


Get XP required to reach defined rank

exports.xperience:GetXPToRank(rank --[[ integer ]])

Client Events

Listen for rank up event on the client

AddEventHandler("xperience:client:rankUp", function(newRank, previousRank, player)
    -- do something when player ranks up

Listen for rank down event on the client

AddEventHandler("xperience:client:rankDown", function(newRank, previousRank, player)
    -- do something when player ranks down

Server Side

Server Exports

Get player's XP

exports.xperience:GetPlayerXP(playerId --[[ integer ]])

Get player's rank

exports.xperience:GetPlayerRank(playerId --[[ integer ]])

Get player's required XP to rank up

exports.xperience:GetPlayerXPToNextRank(playerId --[[ integer ]])

Get player's required XP to reach defined rank

exports.xperience:GetPlayerXPToRank(playerId --[[ integer ]], rank --[[ integer ]])

Server Triggers

TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', playerId --[[ integer ]], xp --[[ integer ]])

TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:removeXP', playerId --[[ integer ]], xp --[[ integer ]])

TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:setXP', playerId --[[ integer ]], xp --[[ integer ]])

TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:setRank', playerId --[[ integer ]], rank --[[ integer ]])

Server Events

RegisterNetEvent('xperience:server:rankUp', function(newRank, previousRank)
    -- do something when player ranks up

RegisterNetEvent('xperience:server:rankDown', function(newRank, previousRank)
    -- do something when player ranks down

Rank Actions

You can define callbacks on each rank by using the Action function.

The function will be called both when the player reaches the rank and drops to the rank.

You can check whether the player reached or dropped to the new rank by utilising the rankUp parameter.

Config.Ranks = {
    [1] = { XP = 0 },
    [2] = {
        XP = 800, -- The XP required to reach this rank
        Action = function(rankUp, prevRank, player)
            -- rankUp: boolean      - whether the player reached or dropped to this rank
            -- prevRank: number     - the player's previous rank
            -- player: integer      - The current player            
    [3] = { XP = 2100 },
    [4] = { XP = 3800 },

QBCore Integration

If Config.UseQBCore is set to true then the player's xp and rank are stored in their metadata. The metadata is saved whenever a player's xp / rank changes.


local PlayerData = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData()
local xp = PlayerData.metadata.xp
local rank = PlayerData.metadata.rank


local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
local xp = Player.PlayerData.metadata.xp
local rank = Player.PlayerData.metadata.rank

ESX Integration


local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerById(src)
local xp = xPlayer.get('xp')
local rank = xPlayer.get('rank')


-- Set the theme
/setXPTheme [theme]

Admin Commands

These require ace permissions: e.g. add_ace group.admin command.addXP allow

-- Award XP to player
/addXP [playerId] [xp]

-- Deduct XP from player
/removeXP [playerId] [xp]

-- Set a player's XP
/setXP [playerId] [xp]

-- Set a player's rank
/setRank [playerId] [rank]


The theme can be set by the player using the /setXPTheme [theme] command. The theme argument must exist in the Config.Themes table in config.lua for it to work:

Config.Theme  = 'native'  -- Set the default theme (must exist in the Config.Themes table)

Config.Themes = {
    native = {
        segments = 10,  -- Sets the number of segments the XP bar has. Native = 10, Max = 20
        width = 532     -- Sets the width of the XP bar in px

    hitman = {
        segments = 80,
        width = 800

    hexagon = {
        segments = 16,
        width = 400

Custom Themes

Let's say you want to add a theme called myTheme:

Config.Themes = {

    myTheme = {
        segments = 20,
        width = 650

Markup for making themes:

<div class="xperience">
    <div class="xperience-inner">
        <div class="xperience-rank">
            <div>XXXX</div> <!-- CURRENT RANK -->
        <div class="xperience-progress"> <!-- MAIN PROGRESS BAR -->
            <div class="xperience-segment"> <!-- BAR SEGMENT (IF YOU'VE SET THE THEME'S SEGMENTS TO 10 THEN THERE'LL BE 10 OF THESE) -->
                <div class="xperience-indicator--bar"></div> <!-- SEGMENT INDICATOR (ONLY USED WHEN XP IS UPDATING)-->
                <div class="xperience-progress--bar"></div> <!-- SEGMENT PROGRESS -->
        <div class="xperience-rank">
            <div>XXXX</div> <!-- NEXT RANK -->
    <div class="xperience-data">
        <span>XXXX</span> <!-- CURRENT XP -->
        <span>XXXX</span> <!-- XP REQUIRED FOR NEXT RANK -->


How do I award players XP for X amount of playtime?

Example of awarding players 100XP for every 30mins of playtime

-- Server side
    local interval = 30   -- interval in minutes
    local xp = 100        -- XP amount to award every interval

    while true do
        for i, src in pairs(GetPlayers()) do
            TriggerClientEvent('xperience:client:addXP', src, xp)

        Wait(interval * 60 * 1000)

How do I give XP to a player when they've done something?

Example of giving a player 100 XP for shooting another player

AddEventHandler('gameEventTriggered', function(event, data)
    if event == "CEventNetworkEntityDamage" then
        local victim      = tonumber(data[1])
        local attacker    = tonumber(data[2])
        local weaponHash  = tonumber(data[5])
        local meleeDamage = tonumber(data[10]) ~= 0 and true or false 

        -- Don't register melee damage
        if not meleeDamage then
            -- Check victim and attacker are both players
            if (IsEntityAPed(victim) and IsPedAPlayer(victim)) and (IsEntityAPed(attacker) and IsPedAPlayer(attacker)) then
                if attacker == PlayerPedId() then -- We are the attacker
                    exports.xperience:AddXP(100) -- Give player 100 xp for getting a hit

How do I do something when a player's rank changes?

You can either utilise Rank Events or Rank Actions.

Example of giving a minigun with 500 bullets to a player for reaching rank 10:

Rank Event

AddEventHandler("xperience:client:rankUp", function(newRank, previousRank, player)
    if newRank == 10 then
        local weapon = `WEAPON_MINIGUN`

        if not HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then
            -- Player doesn't have weapon so give it them loaded with 500 bullets
            GiveWeaponToPed(player, weapon, 500, false, false)
            -- Player has the weapon so give them 500 bullets for it
            AddAmmoToPed(player, weapon, 500)

Rank Action

Config.Ranks = {
    [1] = { XP = 0 },
    [2] = { XP = 800 },
    [3] = { XP = 2100 },
    [4] = { XP = 3800 },
    [5] = { XP = 6100 },
    [6] = { XP = 9500 },
    [7] = { XP = 12500 },
    [8] = { XP = 16000 },
    [9] = { XP = 19800 },
    [10] = {
        XP = 24000,
        Action = function(rankUp, prevRank, player)
            if rankUp then -- only run when player moved up to this rank
                local weapon = `WEAPON_MINIGUN`

                if not HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then
                    -- Player doesn't have weapon so give it them loaded with 500 bullets
                    GiveWeaponToPed(player, weapon, 500, false, false)
                    -- Player has the weapon so give them 500 bullets for it
                    AddAmmoToPed(player, weapon, 500)
    [11] = { XP = 28500 },


xperience - XP Ranking System for FiveM

Copyright (C) 2021 Karl Saunders

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>