MobleyLab / FreeSolv

Experimental and calculated small molecule hydration free energies
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FreeSolv: Experimental and Calculated Small Molecule Hydration Free Energies

This repository provides an issue tracker and revision control for the FreeSolv database, initially described in JCAMD (10): If you find any issues, please raise an issue in the issue tracker or file a pull request!

Releases are automatically assigned unique DOIs via Zenodo. Latest release: DOI


This work provides a curated database of experimental and calculated hydration free energies for small molecules in water, along with experimental values and input files. Experimental values are taken from prior literature and will continue to be curated, with updated experimental references and data added as it becomes available. Calculated values are based on the GAFF small molecule force field in TIP3P water with AM1-BCC charges, as in the provided parameter files. Values were calculated using the GROMACS simulation package, with full details given in references cited within the database itself. This database builds on previous work from the Mobley lab and others, and extends the prior database. With deposition in eScholarship, the database is now versioned, allowing citation of specific versions of the database, and easier updates.


This page provides an update of David Mobley's hydration free energy database. The current goal is to provide curated calculated and experimental values for every molecule which the Mobley group has studied at any point, and to allow these to be updated in a versioned manner as issues are found, better experimental data is tracked down or obtained, and so on.

The prior database gives calculated and experimental values for a 504 molecule set which has been called the "504 molecule set", or "the Mobley set" or similar variants. The explicit solvent study on this set was published in (1) and the implicit solvent version in (2), and the full database is in the supporting information. The "504 molecule set" built on earlier sets, notably that from Rizzo (3) and earlier hydration studies by David Mobley and collaborators.

The current set and format is motivated by several factors:

What we provide:

The database consists of a .tar.gz file containing:

(See the Manifest below for a more complete list of all available files.)

The future:

The database is maintained on the cite-able eScholarship repository of the University of California. It is currently available on that site at Updated versions will be maintained there, mirroring point releases provided via this GitHub site.

Please cite:

Mobley, David L. (2013). Experimental and Calculated Small Molecule Hydration Free Energies. UC Irvine: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCI. Retrieved from:


Rebuilding FreeSolv

The input files deposited here can be rebuilt (from SMILES strings) using the script scripts/, which requires the Chodera lab's openmoltools package and the Mobley Lab's SolvationToolkit, both of which are conda installable from the omnia channel.

Change log/version history:

This dataset started by taking all of the compounds we have studied previously with hydration free energies (references 1, 2, 4-9) including those from SAMPL4 and compiling them all into one big set, removing any redundancies and providing data, references, etc. for all of them. Details of changes for specific versions are found below.

On 12/20/2013 this database was moved to the eScholarship site of the University of California, at

Version 0.1:

Currently this set contains 642 molecules. Full details will be provided in a paper reporting this database. Please also note that some discrepancies between experimental values here and values in J. Peter Guthrie's database are still being investigated, so we expect that a new version will be released relatively shortly which will update some subset of the experimental values (less than 60, but more than zero).

Version 0.2:

Version 0.21:

Version 0.3 (Feb. 4, 2014):

Version 0.31 (Sept. 25, 2014):

Version 0.32 (Sept. 29, 2015):

Version 0.320:

Same as the above but initiates Zenodo DOIs. DOI

Version 0.5 (Jan. 26, 2017) (10.5281/zenodo.264280):

Version 0.51 (April 5, 2017) (10.5281/zenodo.495235):

The changes made in the Version 0.5 and 0.51 updates are described in our recent FreeSolv update/mini-review paper in the Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data.

Version 0.52 (Jan. 26, 2018, but changes made in Aug. 2017) ([10.5281/zenodo.1161245])(

Changes not yet in a release:


(Please let us know if your name should be on this list but isn't)
