MobleyLab / alchemical-setup

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Alchemical setup replaced by FESetup

This provided a fairly basic tool for setting up relative free energy calculations for GROMACS; however, we have been working with the authors of FESetup, a much more general and better-developed tool which produces inputs for a variety of simulation packages, on testing relative free energy calculations with their workflow. In our view, FESetup should be seen as replacing/superseding alchemical-setup, therefore we are no longer maintaining this tool and it is retained here for legacy reasons.

Info on alchemical-setup:


An automatic setup of relative free energy calculations.

The tool generates input files needed to perform relative solvation and binding free energy calculations with GROMACS.

To provide more details on the algorithmic side, we achieve the above by performing the following steps:

Help for (obtained with python -h) is:

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -m MAPTXT   The atom map .txt file.
  -a TOP_A    The .top file of molecule A.
  -b TOP_B    The .top file of molecule B.
  -s MCSS     The substructure .mol2 file.
  -o OUT_DIR  The output directory name.
  -v VERBOSE  Verbosity.