MobleyLab / benchmarkff

Compare optimized geometries and energies from various force fields with respect to a QM reference.
MIT License
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Language grade: Python DOI

README last updated: Nov 09 2020


Objective: Compare optimized geometries and energies from various force fields with respect to a QM reference.

This repository comprises code to extract molecule datasets from QCArchive, run energy minimizations with various force fields, and analyze the resulting geometries and energies with respect to QM reference data from QCArchive.

See our work in this preprint: Lim et. al.; Benchmark Assessment of Molecular Geometries and Energies from Small Molecule Force Fields. 2020.


Directories in this repo:

File descriptions:

directory file description
01_setup extract_qcarchive_dataset.ipynb write out molecules from a QCArchive database which have completed QM calculations
01_setup combine_conformers.ipynb of the molecules from extract_qcarchive_dataset.ipynb, combine conformers that are labeled as different molecules
02_calc minimize all molecules in an input SDF file with a specified force field
03_analysis generate ddE vs TFD (or RMSD) scatter plots highglighting specific moieties by color
03_analysis compare FF-minimized molecules on their geometries and energies (no conformer matching)
03_analysis similar to compare_ffs of comparing geometries and energies but analyzing RMSD-matched structures
03_analysis find all molecules in a set that use certain specified parameter(s)
03_analysis reader for molecule sets and text input files called by the other analysis scripts
03_analysis identify parameters that may be overrepresented in high RMSD/TFD tails for FFXML force fields

Python setup

Package dependencies

Conda setup

conda create -n parsley python=3.6 matplotlib numpy seaborn
conda activate parsley
conda install -c openeye -c conda-forge -c omnia rdkit openeye-toolkits qcfractal qcportal openforcefield cmiles openmm

The packages in VTL's conda environment is documented in this repo as parsley.yml.

Brief overview of usage


  1. Write out from a QCArchive database which have completed QM calculations, using extract_qcarchive_dataset.ipynb.
  2. Reorganize up the molecule set for conformers which are labeled as different molecules:
    1. Group all the same conformers together since they are separated by intervening molecules, using combine_conformers.ipynb.
    2. Of the full set, write out the good molecules that don't need conformer reorganization, using* from OEChem.
    3. Combine the results of steps 2.1 and 2.2: cat whole_02_good.sdf whole_03_redosort.sdf > whole_04_combine.sdf
    4. Read in the whole set with proper conformers, and rename titles for numeric order, using combine_conformers.ipynb.
    5. (opt) Write out associated SMILES: awk '/SMILES/{getline; print}' whole_05_renew.sdf > whole_05_renew.smi
    6. (opt) Generate molecular structures in PDF format, using

FF calculations

  1. (opt) Break up the full set into smaller chunks for managable computations, using*
  2. Run the minimizations, using
  3. Remove the molecules that were unable to minimize (e.g., due to missing parameters) from all files, using*
  4. (opt) If the full set was broken up, concatenate all the constituent files back together, using cat or*


  1. Analyze geometries and relative energies with
    1. (opt) If some conformers (not full molecules) are outliers, can remove using
    2. Mark certain moieties of interest in energy v. geometry scatter plots using
  2. Analyze energies of structurally similar conformers using
  3. Explore parameters overrepresented in high TFD/RMSD regions using and

*The OEChem scripts referred to above are located here.

Note: Some of the analysis can take a long time for multiple force fields and many molecules (e.g. up to 2 hours on or 30-45 min on To explore the analyzed data, adjust plots, etc. without re-analyzing data, you can input the pickle file written out from the previously run analysis.


Big picture wish list / to do tasks

See more focused issues in the issue tracker.