MockingMagician / promised-db

Promised version of indexed DB that simplify usage
ISC License
2 stars 1 forks source link


@idxdb/promised is a lightweight library that wraps the IndexedDB API, providing a more natural way to work with promises. It allows you to easily store and retrieve data in an indexed database using async/await syntax, making it easier to integrate with your existing codebase.

License: ISC NPM Version dependencies Known Vulnerabilities test codecov Codacy Badge


This package has no dependencies.


To install this package, run the following command in your terminal:

npm install @idxdb/promised
yarn add @idxdb/promised

ESM Module

@idxdb/promised is an ECMAScript (ESM) module, which means it can be directly imported in environments that support modules, such as modern browsers or Node.js with ESM enabled.

Usage in the Browser

You can load the module directly from a CDN using the following code:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Once loaded, a DatabaseFactory object will be available in the global scope, allowing you to interact with the @idxdb/promised API directly.

This allows you to use @idxdb/promised without the need to download it locally or set up a bundler like Webpack or Rollup.


This package fully respects the original indexedDB API.

The only subtleties are:

Detailed interfaces ```typescript export interface DatabaseInterface { close(): void createObjectStore( name: string, options?: IDBObjectStoreParameters ): ObjectStoreInterface deleteObjectStore(name: string): void transaction( storeNames: string | string[], mode?: IDBTransactionMode, options?: IDBTransactionOptions ): TransactionInterface objectStoreNames: string[] } export interface ObjectStoreInterface { add(value: V, key?: K): Promise clear(): Promise count(query?: IDBKeyRange | K): Promise createIndex( indexName: string, keyPath: string | string[], options?: IDBIndexParameters ): IndexInterface delete(query: IDBKeyRange | K): Promise deleteIndex(name: string): void get(key: K): Promise getAll( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, count?: number ): Promise getAllKeys( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, count?: number ): Promise getKey(key: IDBKeyRange | K): Promise index(name: string): IndexInterface openCursor( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, direction?: IDBCursorDirection ): ValueCursorInterface openKeyCursor( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, direction?: IDBCursorDirection ): KeyCursorInterface put(value: V, key?: K): Promise indexNames: string[] } export interface IndexInterface { keyPath: string | string[] multiEntry: boolean name: string objectStore: ObjectStoreInterface unique: boolean count(query?: IDBKeyRange | K): Promise get(key: K): Promise getAll( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, count?: number ): Promise getAllKeys( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, count?: number ): Promise getKey(key: IDBKeyRange | K): Promise openCursor( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, direction?: IDBCursorDirection ): ValueCursorInterface openKeyCursor( query?: IDBKeyRange | K, direction?: IDBCursorDirection ): KeyCursorInterface } export interface ValueCursorInterface< PK extends IDBValidKey, K extends IDBValidKey, R, > extends KeyCursorInterface { value: R | undefined delete(): Promise update(value: R): Promise } export interface KeyCursorInterface< PK extends IDBValidKey, K extends IDBValidKey, > { primaryKey: PK | undefined key: K | undefined direction: IDBCursorDirection source: ObjectStoreInterface | IndexInterface request: IDBRequest end(): Promise continue(key?: K): void advance(count: number): void continuePrimaryKey(key: K, primaryKey: PK): void } export interface TransactionInterface { abort(): Promise commit(): Promise objectStore(name: string): ObjectStoreInterface objectStoreNames: string[] db: DatabaseInterface durability: IDBTransactionDurability error: DOMException mode: IDBTransactionMode } ```

Usage - API

Database initialization and migration management

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

const migrations = [
        version: 1,
        migration: async ({db, transaction, dbOldVersion, dbNewVersion, migrationVersion}) => {
            const store = db.createObjectStore('users', { keyPath: 'id' })
            store.createIndex('name_idx', 'name', { unique: false });
        version: 2,
        migration: async ({db, transaction, dbOldVersion, dbNewVersion, migrationVersion}) => {
            const store = transaction.objectStore('users')
            store.createIndex('email_idx', 'email', { unique: true })
        version: 3,
        migration: async ({db, transaction, dbOldVersion, dbNewVersion, migrationVersion}) => {
            const store = transaction.objectStore('users')
            store.createIndex('identifier_idx', 'identifier', { unique: true })

const requestedVersion = 3;

const db = await'mydatabase', requestedVersion, migrations);

What if I don't have any migrations to keep up to date and I just delete my DB every time I change?

All you have to do is keep one migration and you're done.

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

const requestedVersion = 3; // the version you want to open, increase to open anew one and reset your DB scheme

const migrations = [
        version: requestedVersion,
        migration: async ({db, transaction, dbOldVersion, dbNewVersion, migrationVersion}) => {
            for (const store of db.objectStoreNames) {
                db.deleteObjectStore(store) // correctly delete all previous existing stores
            // creates the fresh new stores and their indexes
            const store = db.createObjectStore('users', { keyPath: 'id' })
            store.createIndex('name_idx', 'name', { unique: false });

const db = await'mydatabase', requestedVersion, migrations);

What happens if my DB is already open and I try to open another version?

A basic error message will inform you that the operation is impossible. However, you can take control by adding a handler for the blocked event and perform the actions you deem necessary:

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

let db = await, 1)

const bc = new BroadcastChannel('idxdb_channel')

bc.onmessage = (event) => {
    if ( === 'close-db') {

const onBlocked = async ({ oldVersion, newVersion }) => {
    // warn other tabs to close the db
    bc.postMessage({ action: 'close-db' });
    return 'close-db-emitted'

db = await, 2, [], onBlocked).catch((error) => {
    if (error === 'close-db-emitted') {
        // retry the open
        return, 2)

Add some data

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

const db = await'mydatabase', 1);

const tx = db.transaction(['users'], "readwrite");
const store = tx.objectStore('users');

store.add({ id: 1, name: 'Jane Doe' });

await tx.commit();

Fetch some data

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

const db = await'mydatabase', 1);

const tx = db.transaction(['users'], "readonly");
const store = tx.objectStore('users');

const result = await store.get(1);
console.log(; // "John Doe"

Iterate over cursor

import { DatabaseFactory } from '@idxdb/promised';

const db = await'mydatabase', 1);

const tx = db.transaction(['users'], "readonly");
const store = tx.objectStore('users');
const cursor = store.openCursor();

while (!(await cursor.end())) {

And all the existing API

The library implements all the methods of the IndexedDB API, you can find the documentation here.

You can also find more examples in the tests


If you'd like to contribute to this package, please follow these steps:


This package is licensed under ISC. See the LICENSE file for more information.


If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me at Marc MOREAU.


This package uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.