This repository was created for the course 'Capstone Software Engineering Design Project' or SOEN 490 @ Concordia University.
We worked with 2-3 week sprints and had 13 sprints total, broken down into 3 releases.
The project lasted from September 4, 2018 to April 21, 2019.
The code of our submitted project can be found here:
Online Grid Arena: Unity Project. Remove the Feedback button in the main menu if not planning on running the express-server. Go into scripts -> globals -> URLs.cs and modify string values if planning on running express-server.
express-server: Handles user feedback. Not needed if planning on only working on Online Grid Arena.
react-app: Handles website. Not needed if planning on only working on Online Grid Arena.
@rigbypc (Professor)
@mirsaeedi (Teaching Assistant)
@poofyOwl (Stakeholder)
Each developer should always stay up-to-date on our Ways of Working
Branching, Commits, and Pull Requests
Branches shall be named issue_xxx, where xxx is the issue number in question.
Commits should be clear, to the point, and reference the issue being worked on. They should not be written from a personal POV. '#554 Add unit tests to Character class' rather than '#554 I added unit tests to Character class'
Pull Requests' names should describe the feature being implemented and needs 2 reviewers to approve the pull request before being accepted into master. Only code that meets the following criteria should ever be marked as approved: (closes the issue in question + adequate testing + passing build).
We can make exceptions to these rules in 2 cases:
1) Technical story is complete independently of its containing user story.
2) Critical bug-fix.
Unity Editor Personal:
Visual Studio Enterprise: (License found when you click 'go here':
Visual Studio Code:
For now, the only way to run unit tests is by going to the following destination. A future goal is to add unit test support inside Microsoft Visual Studio.
From the Unity Editor: Window -> General -> Test Runner -> Run All
Unity complains about C# version
Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings -> Set 'Scripting Runtime Version' to '.NET 4.x Equivalent' and 'Api Compatibility Level*' to .NET 4.x
Microsoft Visual Studio complains about C# version
Select the error message and use the IDEs suggested fix and save. You may need to close and reopen Unity if there is a compiler error showing up in Unity and not Visual Studio.